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汤姆插话。Tom interjected.

就在这时,律师插话了。Just then, the lawyer piped up.

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打断别人或者插话。Interrupts or intrudes upon others.

他是一个多好的人呀,她的母亲插话道。Such a nice man, put in the mother.

插话花是一门高雅艺术。Flower arrangement is an elegant art.

又一名高中生插话道。Interjected yet another high school student.

我的小儿子插话问了一个俏皮的问题。My little son nipped in with a smart question.

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雅各布沉默的时间太长了,莉薇只好插话了。Jacob was silent so long that Livvy interposed.

汤姆插话说,“当时我要告诉你的!"But I was going to tell you! "Tom interjected.

汤姆插话说,“当时我要告诉你的!"But I was going to tell you!" Tom interjected.

我插话道,"返回一个错误编码不可以吗?I interjected. "Why not just return an error code?

手一挥就把别人的插话甩到一边去了。Interruptions were swept aside with a wave of the hand.

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妈妈对儿子说别人谈话时不要突然插话。Mother told her son not to whip in while others are talking.

"见鬼,"我插话道,"连我都知道这个地方为什么不能用断言。"Heck," I put in, "even I know why you don't use assert here.

酋长几次都想插话,但都被她打断了。Sveral times the chief tried to get a word in, but to no avail.

仆人突然插话说李先生一小时前就出去了。The servant struck in with the remark that Mr. Lee was out one hour ago.

插话进来的是一个年轻人,瘦长身材,一身牛仔衣。Those who interpose is young people, lanky stature, body cowboy clothes.

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你会感到困惑,他是在听我说话,还是在准备插话?You may wonder, is he listening to me or rehearsing his next interruption?

父母谈正经事时,孩子插话是不礼貌的。It is impolite of children to jump in when their parents are talking business.

李嘉诚静静地听着母亲说,并不插话,只是给母亲满上一杯功夫茶。Li Ka-shing listened quietly without interruption. He refilled his mother's cup.