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所以,她成了外科医生。So, she became a surgeon.

他住在外科病房。He is in the surgical ward.

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普通及血管外科。General and Vascular Surgery.

讲实话就像是外科手术。The truth is like the surgery.

林先生是位技术纯熟的外科医师。Mr. Lin is a dexterous surgeon.

外科医生为她接好断臂。The surgeon set her broken arm.

外科医学对病人作了仔细检查。The surgeon explored the patient.

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遇到这种情况他就安排国外免费的外科手术。He arranges free surgeries abroad.

外科医生救了这条重达60磅的爬虫。Surgery saved the 60-pound reptile.

杨是一个30的北京外科医生。Yang is a Beijing surgeon in his 30s.

他的技术超过其他的外科医生。He surpassed other surgeons in skills.

施行外科手术拯救了许多生命。Many lives have been saved by surgery.

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是啊!我看过外科医生了。Yes, I did. I went to see the surgeon.

一名外科医生问他姓什么。A surgeon asked him what's his surname.

外科手术器械已收起来了。The surgical instruments were put away.

托马斯·克鲁梅尔是一名外科主任。Thomas Krummel is the Chair of Surgery.

“这是一种外科器械手术,”她说。“It is an invasive procedure,” she said.

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外科医生把她的断骨接好了。The surgeon has knitted her broken bones.

“这是一种外科器械手术,”她说。“It is an invasive procedure, ” she said.

护士为病人作好外科手术前的准备。The nurse prepped the patient for surgery.