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这是一种美好的祈愿。This is a good wish.

毕竟一切都是美好的。All that is, is good.

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微笑,享受美好时光。Smile. Have a good time.

你让我的生命如此美好,荷莉。You made my life, Holly.

我很怀念过去美好的旧时光。I miss the good old days.

同时打破我美好的梦想!And broken my braw dream !

我们生活在一个美好的时代。We live in an awesome age.

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因为跟你在一起,我感觉很美好。Becouse with you I am fine.

依靠你的美好记忆。Build on the good memories.

勿逞一时之快,误美好一生。Don't just fast, good life.

但我喜欢美好的挑战。But I like a good challenge.

为了昔日美好的时光,亲爱的。For auld lang syne, my dear.

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美好'真是个错误。“Niceness” proved a mistake.

这样一切都是顺利美好的。And that’s all well and good.

它是多么美好,温馨的一个名字啊。It's such a nice, homey name.

她是个美好的女子。She is a pretty, sweety girl.

哪一种欧洲更加美好呢?Who are the better Europeans?

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爱你是如此地美好。the loveliness of loving you.

为了美好的昔日,我的朋友。For auld lang syne, my friend.

美好,极其美好。Good-- in the deep sense,good.