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你能帮我们算一下进口税吗?Can you help calculate our import duty?

不像是支付任何的进口税。It's not like it costs any import taxes.

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如果我们提高他们的货物的进口税,他们可能要对我们进行报复。If we raise our import duties on their goods,they may retaliate against us.

还有,现在对中国产品还没有征进口税吗?这是哪门子的竞争?And still no import tax on chinese goods ? what kind of competition is that ?

如果他们在印度国内制造,好多产品的进口税比国产税还低。Import duty on many products is less thanthe excise duty if they manufacture.

约旦的自由贸易区免收进口税、国内货物税及其它一切税收。Jordan's free trade zone free of import duty , excise tax and all other taxes.

这项措施是在美国政府决定对来自中国的管材加收进口税之后实施的。The move follows a decision by the US government to impose an import tax on Chinese pipes.

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他建议增加石油进口税与提高烟酒货物税。He has suggested imposing an oil import fee and raising excise taxes on liquor and cigarette.

世界贸易组织让获胜国,这个案子中的是巴西,从失败国收进口税。WTO rules let the winning country — in this case Brazil — tax imports from the losing country.

先生,对不起,这件东西您得付进口税,要么就把它放进保税仓库保管。I'm sorry, sir, but for this item you will have to pay import duties or leave it in bonded storage.

印度提高了一些钢材的关税,欧盟对某些日常用品再度引入了出口补贴,俄罗斯对汽车提高了进口税。India has raised some steel tariffs. The EU has reintroduced export subsidies for some dairy products.

国产货物税、增值税、进口税以及就业税均由法律加以规定。Excise taxes value added tax es importation taxes and employment taxes each subject to different regulations.

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受困于租税、进口税、财政关税、商品关税、什一税,估价税费及其他费用的拖累,国家经济越来越不景气。Weighed down by taxes, imposts, tariffs, duties, tithes, assessments and fees, the economy had seen better days.

税也可能成为障碍,尤其是手机进口税以及专业移动通信附加税。Taxes can also act as a barrier, particularly import duties on handsets or special mobile communications surcharges.

进口物品应当按照海关填发税款交纳证那一天有效的税率征收进口税。Import duty on an article is to be levied at the tariff rate in force on the date of issue of the Customs Duty Memorandum.

以上所指地价格并不包括在中国境内所征收地各种税款、关税、进口税以及其他各种费用。The prices quoted above do not include any taxes. duties, impost and any other charges of any kind which may be levied in China.

然而,印度今年的黄金购买力可能会下降,因为政府可能在下一财年预算中提高黄金进口税。Buying may slacken this year, however, because the government is likely to increase import duties on gold in the forthcoming budget.

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由于特区建立的工厂和企业都是新的,所以进口的生产资料和消费品要免征进口税。Because every factory or business, established in SEZ is new, imports of capital and consumer goods are exempted from customs duties.

中国对进口船只征收的高额进口税,并没有阻止地位意识较强的中国人从著名的欧美造船厂购买游艇。Stiff duties don't seem to be deterring status-conscious Chinese from buying ships from established American and European boatbuilders.

他们说新的进口税将在30天内被实施,除非美国政府派代表团去巴西协商棉花的事。They said the new import tax would apply within 30 days — unless the U.S. government sent a team to Brazil to negotiate the cotton issue.