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柯林武德是英国著名哲学家、历史学家。Collingwood is a famous British philosopher, historians.

扶贫济困是习武之人最基本的武德。The basic virtue of a swordsman is to help the weak and the poor.

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充分体现了柯林武德的历史哲学的基本思想。It full reflects Collingwood's basic thought of historical philosophy.

柯林武德一生著有很多历史哲学方面的文章。Collingwood wrote a lot of articles about historical philosophy in his life.

传统武德在现代社会仍具有很强的时代意义。Traditional military morals have still greater significance in the present age.

所以我们也应该看到柯林武德历史哲学中积极的因素。We also are conscious to the positive factor in Collingwood's historical philosophy.

“历史推理思想”是柯林武德的历史方法论的主要内容。The idea on historical inference is the central content of Collingwood's methodology.

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武德帝将她的表情看在眼里,却不言语。The martial chaste throne sees her facial expression in ugg boots eye, but not speech.

然而,我们也要看到,柯林武德的历史思想是在对前人不断地批判中进行的。However, we should be conscious to Collingwood's progress in criticizing the predecessor.

作为一名历史哲学家,柯林武德在历史哲学领域做出了重要的贡献。As a historical philosopher, Collingwood has made great contribution to historical philosophy.

国际日本文化研究所所长、著名经济学家猪木武德质疑道。International Institute of Japanese culture, the famous economist, Takenori questioned wooden pig.

武德以尊师重道、重义守信、立身正直、谦和仁爱为基本内容。The basic content of Wushu ethics includes respect of master, benevolence and righteousness and so on.

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柯林武德是位著名的历史哲学家,他在哲学和历史学方面都曾经有过辉煌的成就。Collingwood is a famous historical philosopher. He has made glorious achievement in philosophy and historiography.

最后,作为一名历史认识论的代表者,柯林武德发展了历史认识论的一些重要理论。Finally, as a epistemological spokesman, Collingwood developed some important thought of the historical epistemology.

阿富汗政治家,前国会议员达武德桑坦赞告诉BBC记者,越狱暴露出“安全机制的多重漏洞。”Afghan politician and former MP Daoud Sultanzai told the BBC that the escape exposes "the porousness of our security apparatus".

“这是非常严重的事情,我们将尽快调查,”希尔·武德对太阳报说。"These are very serious allegations and we will be investigating the matter as quickly as possible, " said Hill-Wood to the Sun.

从外显的拳种流派、内含的武德修养、呈现诗意审美的艺术化倾向等三方面,探析了武术的文化特征及其形成的文化根源。In this paper, Wushu's cultural features and origin are expounded from kinds of bare-handed exercise, Wushu morality and artistry features.

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五十年前,在这间房间,在这些桌子上,总统武德罗威尔逊说过话抓住了疲倦战争世界的想象。Fifty years ago, in this room, and at this very desk, President Woodrow Wilson spoke words which caught the imagination of a war-weary world.

传统的武德包括爱国精神、为人正直、谦虚礼貌和待人忠诚。Almost all the Wushu schools in the past put morality first. Tranditional Wushu morality includes patriotism, uprightness, politeness and faith.

英国的哲学家和历史学家罗宾·乔治·柯林武德提出确切的历史知识来自于历史学家的心灵重演过去的观点。The England philosopher and historian R. GCollingwood maintained that precise historical knowledge come from the re-enactment of historian mind.