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一座桥横跨在运河之上。A bridge arches the canal.

一座桥横跨小河。A bridge spanned the rill.

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横跨叶尼塞的大桥。Bridge across the Yenisei.

虹横跨天际。The rainbow arches the heavens.

一道彩虹横跨天际。A rainbow arched across the sky.

这座桥的两头横跨峡谷。The bridge straddled the canyon.

一块木板横跨于溪上。A wooden plank bridged the stream.

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这座桥横跨欧亚大陆。This bridge straddles the Eurasia.

呜…这道桥梁是否能横跨海洋?Oooh can this bridge cross the ocean?

一座有顶盖的桥横跨这条河流。A covered bridge traverses the stream.

俄罗斯横跨欧亚大陆?Russia traverses Europe-Asia continent.

米瑞和贝利尼横跨尼亚加拉瀑布!Mirette and Bellini Cross Niagara Falls!

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我们客户的年龄从18岁横跨到80岁。Our customers range in age from 18 to 80.

杨浦和南浦大桥横跨河。The Yangpu and Nanpu bridges span the river.

这幅图的视角横跨5.63弧秒。The field of view is 5.63 arcseconds across.

一辆巴士驶上横跨河水暴涨的乌斯河一座大桥。A bus crosses a bridge over the swollen Ouse.

大桥巍然横跨在江上。The bridge stands majestic astride the river.

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从那里开始,白令海峡的海冰向东横跨整个海峡。East of that, sea ice spans the Bering Strait.

横跨叶尼塞河的大桥。The automobile bridge across the Yenisey river.

一道彩虹横跨连续光谱的颜色。A rainbow spans a continuous spectrum of colours.