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她很少涂脂抹粉。She seldom, if ever, paints or powders.

不要在众目下涂脂抹粉avoid doing whitewash in full view of the public

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另一种女人涂脂抹粉,尽量显得年轻些。The other women paint in order to try and look young.

此刻,或许他正与一个涂脂抹粉的婊子勾肩搭背地慢舞。Right now he's probably slow dancing with a bleach blonde tramp.

自古以来,向往追求美丽的女人都喜欢涂脂抹粉。Beauty-conscious women have been powdering their skin since ancient times.

老贝每次亮相前,都要细心地涂脂抹粉一番呢。Berlusconi appeared before each time, something must be careful to whitewash it.

就像没在脸上涂脂抹粉,不穿上昂贵的设计师套装就不出家门一样。It's the equivalent of not leaving the house without a full face of make up and an expensive designer suit.

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好作家如杨贵妃之妹妹,虽不涂脂抹粉,亦可与皇帝见面。A good writer is like the sister of Yang Kueifei, who could go to see the Emperor himself without powder and rouge.

在通往餐厅的门口有一位妇女,涂脂抹粉、细皮嫩肉、身着和服、非常诱人,她叫我脱下鞋子。At the door to the restaurant, a stunning, porcelain-faced woman in traditional costume asked me to remove my shoes.

他们脸上涂脂抹粉、熠熠生辉、光彩照人、美丽炫目,然后他们想让我们知道,我们可以拥有一切。They are shiny from their makeovers, they are fabulous and gorgeous, and they want us to know that we can have it all.

有些女人涂脂抹粉想袒护那因为无恶不作和行动放肆放任而留下的陈迹。Some of the females had tried to conceal the ravage of vice and dissipation by coating their faces with powder and paint.

最初由威杰里勋爵领导调查在枪击后匆匆完成,爱尔兰民族主义者视之为涂脂抹粉.An initial investigation headed by Lord Widgery shortly after the shootings was regarded by Irish nationalists as a whitewash.

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最初由威杰里勋爵领导调查在枪击后匆匆完成,爱尔兰民族主义者视之为涂脂抹粉。An initial investigation headed by Lord Widgery shortly after the shootings was regarded by Irish nationalists as a whitewash.

她整张脸似乎都光彩靓丽,不仅仅是由于涂脂抹粉,更主要的是她从母亲那里获得了自由的感受。Her whole face seemed to light up, not only from the touch of blush, but from the sense of freedom she had pried out of her mother.

当我在医院的时候你却涂脂抹粉为了在电视上亮相,看到这样的你比你让我的头撞击空中更让我受伤。Seeing that you were having make up applied for TV appearance while I was in hospital hurts more than your slamming my head on the floor.

于是她便开始购买女装,并涂脂抹粉,现在她决定进行变性手术,成为一个“完整的女人”。She began buying women's outfits and wearing make-up and is now deciding whether to start hormone treatment so she can transition to becoming a full woman.

这种将诗性文化与游戏活动相提并论的做法固然能为后者涂脂抹粉,但深入地来看,事实上完全阉割了艺术的精神。With poetic culture included in game activities, it obviously can do good to the latter on the surface. But on the other hand, it will kill the spirit of art in nature.

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对于女士,在白天过分的打扮就是不合适,头发太乱、涂脂抹粉、满身珠宝、服饰怪异和在黑暗中闪光的颜色或图案等都是不合适。For the ladies, dressed in the day is too inappropriate, too messy hair, whitewash, covered with jewelry, clothing, and in the dark flash strange colors or patterns and so are inappropriate.

如果你是存心要在社交活动中向某一类人吹嘘你说英语的能力,那么口头英语或许有很好的涂脂抹粉的效果。If you are minded to bluff your ability in speaking English in front of certain categories of people in the context social activities. Colloquial English may have a very good cosmetic effect.