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有人偷了我的钱夹子。Someone ripped off my wallet.

一个能锁的夹子?如果需要。A lock-in clip is used if needed?

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用钢丝刷清刷接线柱和夹子。Clean posts and clamp with wire brush.

钳子,夹子敲弯用的某物,如。Something, such as a clamp, that clinches.

同事儿子特喜欢胡桃夹子。The son of my colleague loves nutcrackers.

拆卸用以固定灯泡至雾灯的弹簧夹子。Remove spring clip securing bulb to fog lamp.

这些钢管应该用夹子固定起来。The steel pipes should be secured with clamps.

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将夹子滑上并将最大的倒钩处于中心位置。Slide the clamp up and center over the largest barb.

我奋斗以轮胎木纹和缺乏夹子。I was struggling with tyre graining and lack of grip.

马克每次用指头弹了来自夹子的子弹一。Mark flipped the bullets from the clip one at a time.

你家的尿布袋夹子是动漫人物。Your diaper bag is covered with anime character pins.

越过桌子,找到抽屉,夹子和茶几。Go beyond the desk to drawers, shelves, coffee tables.

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应该禁止他们不要安这种铁夹子。They ought not to be allowed to set these steel traps.

克拉拉收到一个胡桃夹子,形状像一个玩具士兵。Clara receives a nutcracker, shaped like a toy soldier.

小巧夹子,纯音悦耳,纽曼新款B25绚丽登场。Small clip , sweet tone , brilliant debut Newman new B25

使用夹子的日志卡很方便传递。T-Cards are easily transport- able with the T-Card holder.

在麻药品店里他买了些蟑螂夹子和烟管。He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop.

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他在幻觉用品商店买了一些大麻卷烟烟蒂夹子和大麻吸食管。He bought some roach clips and hashish pipes at the head shop.

我的指关节从我在方向盘的紧张的夹子漂白了。My knuckles whitened from my tense grip on the steering wheel.

CMC确实建议给容易的安装使用升降索夹子。CMC does recommend using a Halyard Clamp for easy installation.