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身体被覆于皮肤、苔藓、饥渴以及凝固的乳液。Body of skin, of moss, of eager and firm milk.

一层厚的黄色渗出物被覆在腹膜外。A thick yellow exudate coats the peritoneal surfaces.

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哪些资料最终置换被覆写的记忆体What data end up replacing the memory that gets overwritten

变性聚脂瓷绝缘聚亚胺醯胺被覆漆包线“,”Modified Polyester Insulated Poly-Amide-Imide OvercoatedEnam.

前列腺导管的中心段被覆尿路上皮。The central portions of the prostatic ducts are normally lined by urothelium.

当气候回暖,被覆层彻底融化或蒸发后,沟谷便暴露出来了。In warmer periods, the blanket melts or evaporates entirely, exposing the gullies.

程式是否试图读取溢位期间被覆写的资料Whether the program attempts to read data that are overwritten during the overflow

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能够实现允许某个类被继承,但不允许其中的某个方法被覆写么?Can you allow class to be inherited, but prevent the method from being over-ridden?

有些情况下您可能需要确保基底类别方法没有被覆写。In some situations, you may need to ensure that base-class methods are not overridden.

其它毡呢,羊毛或动物细毛制,未经浸渍、涂布、被覆或黏合者。Other felt, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated, of wool or fine animal hair.

被覆铂族之卑金属,银或金,且仅属半制品者。Base metals, silver or gold clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured.

所以如果你在这个过程中设置了控件的属性,它的有可能在下一个过程中被覆写。If you set a control property at this stage, its value might be overwritten in the next event.

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同时脚控开关亦以橡胶成型被覆,防水、防污,安全无虑。At the same time foot-switch Forming also rubber coated, waterproof, anti-pollution, safe and secure.

如果你喜欢带下钢丝网的胸罩,要确保下钢丝网完全被覆盖住了且没有孔。If you like bras with under wire, check that the under wire is completely covered so it will not gouge.

道奇先发投手郭泓志稳固的先发,给正要被覆盖上横扫胜利的教士队披上了一层阴影。The win capped a sweep for the Padres and overshadowed a solid effort from Dodgers pitcher Hong-Chih Kuo.

其他氟塑料在半导体、医疗、电线被覆等领域的应用也在扩大。Fluoroplastics other in the semiconductor, medical, wire coating and other applications are also expanding.

要求和缺省构建之间的区别在于,要求是不能被覆写的。The difference between requirements and default-build is that requirements cannot be overridden in any way.

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文中利用LS-DYNA程序研究了坑道被覆结构在常规装药爆炸作用下的局部破坏效应。LS-DYNA is employed to research the local damage effect of tunnel lining subjected to conventional subsurface blast.

所有材料表面均被覆上合适的保护膜,以防止刮伤、划伤。All products are supplied with a peelable self-adhesive polyethylene protection tape, which guards against scratching.

汽车的金属车身被覆上一种带正电荷的物质,而涂料则带有负电荷。The metal body of the car is submerged in a substance that charges it positively, and the paint is charged negatively.