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韩国音乐家,音乐外销成唯一出路。Korean musicians must export or starve.

主要产品是内销还是外销呢?The major products are sold at home or abroad?

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我曾是一家外贸公司的外销员。I was an export clerk in a foreign trading company.

瑞士百分之九十五以上的手表都外销国外。More than 95 percent of all Swiss watches are exported.

这些碗是同种类陶器中已知的最早外销的样本。They are the earliest known exported examples of their kind.

19世纪末叶起,外销占更大比例的阶段。After late 19th century, export sales are a large proportion.

我获得了外销员资格证书。I've obtained an Export Sales Staff's Qualification Certificate.

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试剂仪器齐并进,内销外销双丰收。Qi -date equipment reagents, the domestic export double harvest.

出口商声称,大米外销已经因高米价而受到影响。Thai exporters said foreign sales are already hit by high prices.

我公司负责人和外销员将在广州接待你们。I'd like to see the person in charge of purchasing in your company.

我们过去有7成5的酒内销,当时必须开始外销。We used to sell 75 percent of our wine locally so we had to export.

本公司是一台商独资贸易公司,产品全部外销。The Company is a Taiwanese-owned trading companies, products for export.

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我现在一家外贸公司当外销员。I'm working as an export sales staff member for a foreign trading company.

我们是一所拥有开发与生产能力的外销灯具厂。Our company specializes in the R&D and manufacturing of lighting products.

此餐巾环约出品于1920-1940年间的中国南部地区,估为外销品。These items were made in south China circa 1920 -1940 probably for export.

精油植物山鸡椒是我国重要外销精油资源植物。Litsea cubeba is an important export essential oil resources plant in China.

本公司承接内外销服装面料和内外销布料的销售业务。The company takes in export garment fabric and inner fabric for export sales.

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近年来,上海的远洋渔业也得到稳步发展,但是,捕捞产品仍然以外销为主。In Shanghai, the products from distant water fisheries are mainly sold abroad.

你知道,我们已经购买了很多贵公司的电脑,外销到美国。You know, were purchased quite a number of them for export to the United States.

同时外销至东南亚、中东、欧洲、美洲等地。At present, our products are sold to the Southeast Asia, Mid-East, Europe, America etc.