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我乘无轨电车去上班。I got to work by trolleybus.

瞧,无轨电车来了。Look, there comes the trolleybus.

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那辆无轨电车丁丁当当地开了过去。The trolley came by, dinging noisily.

他经常乘无轨电车上学。He often goes to school by trolleybus.

无轨电车经过北京饭店吗?Do this trolley- bus run past the park?

在104,也作为全新的无轨电车。The 104, also as a brand new trolleybus.

一部无轨电车会带你到博物馆。A trolleybus will take you to the museum.

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可能是世界上最好的无轨电车之一。Probably the best trolleybus in the world!

为了应对这漫漫长途,我让我的脑袋里乱开无轨电车。To cope with the long roads, I let my mind wander.

你下一站得改乘无轨电车。You'll have to change to the trolleybus next stop.

搭无轨电车只要几分钟就可以到那儿。Mit dem Trolleybus wären wir in wenigen Minuten dort.

这辆无轨电车与开往机场的公共汽车衔接。The trolleybus connects here with a bus for the airport.

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这辆无轨电车与开往机场的公共汽车衔接。The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airport.

这辆无轨电车在这儿衔接去机场的公共汽车。The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airfield.

特迪乘坐111路无轨电车去旅游局。Teddy caught the No. 111 trolley bus to the tourist bureau.

你得在淮海路换乘26号无轨电车。You'll have to change for Trolleybus No. 26 at Huaihai Road.

但是你得在淮海路换乘26号无轨电车。But you'll have to change for Trolleybus No. 26 at Huaihai Road.

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这里有没有去北京图书馆的公共汽车或无轨电车?Be there a bus or trolley-bus we can take to the beijing library?

新的无轨电车路线规定要通过商业区。The new trolleybus line was routed through the commercial district.

许多小学生着急地往无轨电车上挤,挤得我几乎都下不了车。So many pupils rushed for the trolleybus that I could hardly get off.