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不惜一切代价追求。Pursue it at all costs.

我将不惜任何代价救你!Iwill save you at all costs!

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不惜一切代价避免使用软盘。Avoid using floppies at all cost.

不惜花费,大造声势。No expense or reputation is spared.

我们想不惜代价找出一条解决办法。We want to find a cure at any cost.

他既不辞劳苦也不惜费用。He spared neither pains nor expense.

不惜一切代价避免负的现金流。Avoid negative cash flow at all cost.

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我们将不惜任何代价来保住这份订单。We have to keep this order at any cost.

五大高手不惜一切代价争夺它。The 5 greats fighted for it at all costs.

面对洛基和捍卫普隆德拉不惜一切代价!Face Loki and defend Prontera at all costs!

我国不惜任何代价争取和平。Our country was out for peace at any price.

商店里,国旗是如此紧俏,有人不惜偷抢。Flags were in such demand, they were stolen.

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必须不惜一切代价阻止威震天。Megatron must be stoped, no matter the cost.

必须阻止威震天,不惜代价!Megatron must be stoped, no metter the cost!

他们不惜成本装饰这栋房子。They decorated the house regardless of cost.

他不惜一切成本装修他的房子。They decorated the house regardless of cost.

必须阻止威震天,不惜代价!Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost!

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所做的一切都不惜牺牲了美国人民。All done at the expense of the American people.

对此,我不惜发动核战争。I’m willing to go to thermonuclear war on this.

她渴望在商业上成功,不惜任何代价。She desires to succeed in business, at any cost.