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牧羊座需要反抗。Aries need to rebel.

他们敢反抗洛西斯?They dare oppose Noxus?

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反抗与控制有关。Rebellion is about control.

唯一的路是反抗。The only way is resistance.

可是,她太虚弱了,虚弱到无力反抗。Too weak to defend herself.

女权之邦的一些男人也会反抗。Some men in the Gynocracy do rebel.

欢迎来到反抗军,年轻人Welcome to the Rebellion, youngling

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反抗军把Tiji称为“入口之城”。The rebels call Tiji a gateway city.

企图反抗这种制度是白搭的。It's no use trying to buck the system.

别打算反抗我的旨意"You'd better listen to what I'm doing."

他是这个反抗运动的先驱者。He was the forerunner of the resistance.

现在,反抗军控制了60公里的黎波里街道。They now control 60km of Tripoli Street.

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我不知道他是否敢于反抗他的老板。I wonder if he dare stand up to his boss.

让他们最惊讶的是——努乔德反抗了。The surprise was that Nujood fought back.

康妮的反抗的感觉,潜然地滋生了。A sense of rebellion smouldered in Connie.

如果你那样对待他,他会反抗的。He'll kick out if you treat him like that.

隆务寺是一个反抗据地。Rongwo Monastery was a locus of resistance.

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如果你没加入反抗军的话,赶快来吧。If you haven’t already – join the rebellion.

事实上,1848年大多数的反抗都失败了。In fact, most of the 1848 rebellions failed.

虽然这种反抗情有可原。The resistance is completely understandable.