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言词冗赘的演讲者、讲话、文体。A verbose speaker, speech, style.

你的文章行文冗赘,弄得我有点糊涂了。I got lost in your rather diffuse essay.

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我不喜欢他写作中冗赘的文体。I dont like the diffuse style of his writings.

在循环冗赘核对中若需要重传将使得整个封包被重传。If a retransmission request is asked by CRC check, it needs to retransmit the whole packet.

里德所罗门码的错误更正能力,决定于编码中加入的冗赘资讯。The error-correcting ability of any RS code is determined by the redundancy in the code block.

即使有权的管理者对雇员的交代既清晰又直接,但起作用的还是冗赘的交流。Even if a powerful manager is clear and direct with an employee, it's still the redundancy that counts.

本文主要论述与身体隐喻有关的构词理据、功能变换、冗赘和错位等四个问题。This paper mainly deals with such issues as motivation of word-making, change of function, redundancy and dislocation, which are related to body metaphor.

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大多数父母知道,带有越来越急切感觉的冗赘的交流在沟通中是必要的,因为它会起作用。Most parents understand that redundant communication, coupled with an escalating sense of urgency, is integral to communicating because it gets the job done.

在与循环冗赘核对结合后更可达到较好的重传率及封包错误率。When combined with CRC check, this scheme even yields better retransmission rate and packet loss rate than conventional Viterbi algorithm combined with CRC check.

笔者认为,翻译时不恰当地套用原文的人称代词容易造成译文的冗赘、不畅,词语搭配、句式衔接、连贯的不当,不利传达原文的风格、语气。It argues that improper rendering of English pronouns may lead to redundant Chinese version, incongruous collocation and coherence, thus fails to represent the original style and flavor.