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台钟在滴答滴答地响。The clock is ticking.

那台钟走对准确吗?Can that clock be right?

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那台钟老是停。That clock is always off.

那台钟走时准确吗?This clock keeps good time.

那台钟走时准确吗?Please make sure of the time.

这台钟简直不值得修理。The clock is hardly worth repairing.

复古台钟。设计时使用插入一个屏保时钟。Retro Desk Clock. Designed for use when plugged in as a screensaver clock.

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正如爱因斯坦语言的那样,钟内原子运动的时钟走得要比第二台钟稍微慢一点。As Einstein predicted, the clock with the moving atom ticked at a slightly slower rate than the second clock.

嘀哒嘀哒的台钟是温柔的,它安稳而又体贴地踱着,从不惊扰每个香甜的美梦。You can also feel it when you listen to the clock ticking steadily, so considerate as not to disturb a sweet dream.

大家一个接一个地走出去,请拿手表的人,将手表放在门口那张有台钟的桌上。Everyone go out one after another and the person who take the watch can put it on the table on which a clock stands at the door.

包括马,花朵,甚至包括一个旧的台钟模特.这些雕塑都是由数百块,甚至数千块口香糖拼制而成的。They include a horse, flowers and even an old table clock modeled.They are all made of hundreds, sometimes thousands of pieces of gum.

通过分析比较,使我们对每台钟的运行情况作出恰如其分的评价,以便更好地利用国家授时中心的钟资源,做好守时和授时工作。It is hoped to make good use of the Cs clock resources and improve the time keeping work through overall analysis and evaluation of operating situations for each clock.

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物理学理论中的诸多困惑既跟哲学的自然观不妥当有关,又有对时间和空间关系的逻辑定位不恰当的原因。现实生活中需要的是“钟读数一致”,物理学描述自然规律则必须使用“同一台钟”。The reasons why there're so many problems in the physical theory not only come from improper concept of nature in philosophy but also from infelicitous logic location of time and space.