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现在,相面术又有复苏的迹象。Now, it is undergoing something of a revival.

颂恩如愿与妹妹可儿在狱中相面。Well wish to sister Chloe face reading in prison.

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送给我碗茶喝,我就先给您相相面吧!Give me a bowl of tea and I'll tell you your fortune.

给黄嘉善相面的四个点是什么呢?我也不知道。What does it mean for the four points given to Huang? Who knows?

之所以理论上认同,是因为在逻辑上,相面是有道理的。The theory identity, because in logic, face reading is reasonable.

给黄嘉善相面的四个点是什么呢?我也不知道。What was the meaning of these four points gaven by Mashan Fox to Huang Jiasan? I don't know.

问师父佛法,无不作答。问我相面、算命,我就不答。I respond to any questions about the Buddha Dharma, but never to requests for fortunetelling.

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他受相面法和­社会达尔文主义的理论影响甚深。His works were deeply influenced by physiognomy and other theories elaborated by social darwinism.

一是如果说相面是一种科学,那么它一定比“地质考察”更加高深。One is if face reading is a science, so it must be better than "geological investigation" more advanced.

有恁地一天呢,张好古上街上溜达去了,一看围着一圈子人,一分人群儿进来,是个相面的。Have a good day, so the streets to walk away, a look around a circle, a crowd came, the son of a face reading.

尝试用现代风格呈现中国传统文化‘相面术’。Kila Cheung says, "the facebook" try to use modern style to present the traditional chinese culture "physiognomic".

而所谓相面,即通过观察人的相貌,推断其过去,预测其未来。The so-called face reading, namely, through the observation people's appearance, inferred its past, forecasts its future.

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以前的快乐都没有了,谢谢,以前的快乐让我认为这世界还有,可以去,相面的事情,不过这次想了好多。Beforehand joyful did not have, thanks, beforehand lets me think joyfully this world also has, may go to, the matter which practices physiognomy, but this time has thought many.

尽管这一研究发现很令人信服,但科学界对于将面部特征与特定行为联系起来的相面术通常还是持半信半疑的态度。While the findings are compelling, the scientific community has typically greeted the field of physiognomy, which links facial characteristics to certain behavioral traits, with skepticism.

目前,“相面学”尚未像地质学一样建立起自己的理论体系和教育培训机制,通过相面揭示真相的可能和几率小之又小。At present, "face reading learning" has not been as geology as established his own theory system and education training mechanism, by revealing the truth may face reading and less likely and small.