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另一方面,或许肥皂不具有这种效能。Perhaps, on the other hand, it may not.

观察滑石对关节炎效能。To observe talcum's effect on arthritis.

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再次检验下你对效能的定义。Re-examine your definition of productivity.

另一个障碍是研究过程效能低下。Another hurdle is the inefficiency of the process.

冷藏可以坚持益生菌的最好效能。Culturelle maintains potency best when refrigerated.

最后的这点是针对效能实验说的。This last point speaks to the test of effectiveness.

排名是衡量整体效能的最好的方式。Rank is the best wayto measure overall effectiveness.

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该吸附剂具有抑菌效能。The composited adsorbent have antimicrobial activity.

分析了影响曝气生物滤池处理效能的因素。Factor of the baf process treatment effect is analyzed.

自我效能或更熟悉的说法“自我尊重”。Self-efficacy, or, in more familiar terms, self-esteem.

像可再生能源标准,或效能规则。Like the renewable energy standard. Or efficiency rules.

蔡氏是效能和创意想法的源泉。Celes is the fountain of productivity and creative ideas.

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比传统单刀双簧屏蔽门更加持久的屏蔽效能。Out performs outlasts traditional single knife-edge doors.

想要进一步提升打桩机的效能吗?Do you want to further enhance the efficiency of the driver?

此外还评定了防喘系统的效能。Besides, the efficiency of anti-surge system was also evaluated.

贵地区之扶轮社需要何种支援,才能发挥效能?What support do the clubs in your district need to be effective?

探索此两种行为的决策均衡与自我效能感。Explores decisional balance and self-efficacy for both behaviors.

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对指挥自动化系统进行作战效能评估具有重大意义。It is important to evaluate the combat efficiency of C4ISR system.

我们只使用前2次挤奶,以保证效能和质量。We use only the first 2 milkings to guarantee potency and quality.

气管内气体吹入通气对气体交换效能的影响。The Effect of Tracheal Gas Insufflation on Gas Exchange Efficiency.