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堤坝溃决,河水泛滥。The water broke loose when the dam burst.

伊姆加冰川湖是可能爆发冰湖溃决洪水的最引人注目的例子。Imja lake is the most dramatic example of a potential one.

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坝体粘性对溃决过程有重要影响。Viscous dam to break the process have had a significant impact.

具体分析了溃决洪水过程和冰湖溃决洪水泥石流演变过程。At last, the properties of hydrograph of the flood and debris flow are analyzed.

融化的冰川形成冰川湖,随后溃决,就会爆发洪水。A glof happens when a glacial lake is created by a melting glacier and it then bursts.

滑坡曾堵塞大渡河,滑坡坝溃决后滑坡堆积体发生过3次次级滑移。The landslide dammed Dadu River experienced at least 3 secondary slides after dam break.

冰湖溃决型泥石流是形成于高寒山区的一种特殊泥石流类型。Debris flow triggered by break of ice-lake is one of special occurrences in frigid alpine areas.

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天然堆石坝溃决洪水,严重威胁下游的安全。Flood water resulted from break of natural rock-fill dam threatens the safety of downstream seriously.

因此,研究堤防溃决之后洪水在城区内的演进规律具有重要的现实意义。Therefore, it is of great significance to study the routing characteristics of flood caused by levee breach.

这种研究和讨论,将有助于加深对该大坝溃决原因的认识和分析。Such studies and discussions would be helpful to deepen the knowledge and analysis on the breach causes of the dam.

1998年8月1日,湖北省嘉鱼县洲湾堤失事溃决,造成重大损失。The sudden failure of the Paizhouwan embankment at Jiayu county, Hubei province on August 1, 1998, caused heavy losses.

在提供了冰湖编目数据的基础上,识别了有潜在危险的冰湖,为冰湖溃决洪水早期预警系统提供了科学依据。It provides the basic information for GLOF mitigation measures, as well as for their monitoring and establishing an early warning system.

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其起动模式主要包括“河谷起动型”和“坡面滑塌—堵塞—溃决型”两种起动模式。Its two kinds of starting patterns are mainly includes "tarting in the gully type" and "the slope collapses-jamming-burst slippery type".

融化的冰水很快注入众多的冰川湖,可能冲垮冰碛并发生溃决,席卷下游地区。The meltdown has been rapidly filling up many glacial lakes that could break their moraines and burst out, sweeping away everything downstream.

介绍易贡大滑坡发生的第4天至滑坡坝溃决前卫星遥感监测滑坡环境的状况。This paper describes environmental conditions of Yigong landslide before it occurence and from the 4th to the 41st days during the landslide occurring.

贝克尔指出,上世纪60年代末期和70年代的大坝溃堤事件,包括著名的蒂顿坝溃决,促使联邦政府加强了大坝安全。Becker points out that dam failures in the late 1960s and 1970s--including the famous Teton Dam failure of 1976--prompted federal guidelines for dam safety.

研究提出能合理模拟黏土心墙土石坝漫顶破坏溃口发展时变过程数值计算模型对准确模拟黏土心墙坝溃决过程,正确评价其溃决致灾后果十分必要。It is necessary to present a numerical model to describe the gradual failure process of the clay core dam so as to evaluate the consequence due to dam break.

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从阿富汗到不丹的高山地区也被称为世界屋脊,这里每年都会发生冰川湖溃决。Glacial lake outbursts have become a yearly occurrence across the high mountain region stretching from Afghanistan to Bhutan sometimes called the Roof of the World.

基于汛期堤坝溃决的巨大破坏性,提出用箱型结构物封堵堤坝溃口的技术方案。Based on the strong destructiveness of dam breaking during flood season, the technology scheme of closuring dam-breach with box-shape configuration substance is introduced.

实例计算结果表明,本数学模型能合理地模拟天然情况下的河道水流、溃堰前的流场以及围堰溃决后溃堰波的沿程传播。The case simulation shows that the flow field before the breach and the water wave propagation along the flow-course after the breach can be reasonably simulated by this mode.