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喂入原料杂质过高。High trash in feed material.

大学的友谊是没有杂质的。The campus love is also pure.

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杂质就能被掠去了。Impurities can be skimmed off.

喂入原料中的杂质过多。Excessive trash in the feed material.

杂质泵试运转时呈现的泄漏。Impurity pump leak when commissioning.

杂质是这项技术的核心。Impurities are the key to the technology.

杂质含量也很低,太棒了。The impurity content is very low. Wonderful!

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工们正去除银中的杂质。Workers are removing impurities from silver.

杂质沉淀后,水变清了。The sediment settled and the water was clear.

这些使用碳或筛网来过滤杂质。These use carbon or mesh to catch impurities.

杂质常常在晶粒间界偏析。Impurities tend to segregate at grain boundaries.

本文认为这是玻璃内部所含的杂质氮化物所致。This is because of the impurity nitride in glass.

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目的研究药物睾丸素中所含的杂质。Aim To study the impurity of the drug testosterone.

过滤器会滤掉水中的大部份杂质。A filter will remove most impurities found in water.

加注的冷却水应是不含杂质的清洁软水。Fill soft water into cooling system without impurity.

杂质少,是高品位的优质石英矿。Fewer impurities, the quality is high-grade quartz ore.

你得用湿巾纸擦去实验室的这些杂质。You need wet-wipes to wipe off all impurity in the lab.

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金属、油和胰子中辨别含有杂质。Metal, oil and soap contains foreign matter, respectively.

橡胶。天然生橡胶。杂质含量的测定。Rubber. raw natural rubber. determination of dirt content.

工人们的工作是去掉银金属里的杂质。The workers' job was to remove impurities from the silver.