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爱是一种错觉,就将错就错吧!Love is always my gift to you!

一辈子很短,我愿意和你将错就错。Life is very short, I am willing to go along with you.

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婚姻怎么选都是错的,长久的婚姻就是将错就错。How to choose marriage is wrong, long marriage is will wrong.

而且,她以为我们只是在干涸的河床上找一找,不过我也就将错就错。She thought we were off to search the dry creek bed, and I didn't correct her.

其实有些事错过一次就注定将错就错。Actually some matters miss one time are doomed to make the best of a bad situation.

并非所有的错误都会留下遗憾,将错就错,也能错出一段美丽。Not all the mistakes will regret, will wrong, also can produce a beautiful mistake.

张玉成力排众议,决定将错就错,大肆树立枪王品牌,让前原佳彦深感困扰。Zhang Yucheng Lipaizhongyi, decided the wrong, wantonly set gun brand, let Maehara Kahiko feel troubled.

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请尽力写信去给我们的新首长林冠英,不要将错就错而断送乔治市申遗的大好机会!Please write to our new CM Lim Guan Eng and let's not perpetuate and condone the mistakes made by the corrupted BN government.

课堂上一阵大笑,老师将错就错,干脆当个游戏玩下去,也算活跃课堂气氛。A burst of cachinnation on the classroom, teacher will wrong, simply be game to play bottom go to, also calculate active classroom atmosphere.

在上世纪30年代早期,福克斯和哥伦比亚的工作人员把他的姓名误写成马里恩·迈克尔·莫里森,他决定将错就错,从此无论什么时候记者问及他的姓名,他都说自己叫作马里恩·迈克尔·莫里森。Early in the 1930s , when studio biographies at Fox and Columbia mistakenly identified him as Marion Michael Morrison , he decided to go along.

船行既远,慕雪心念一转,索性将错就错,就此避开与威廉的婚约。The boat goes already far, admire snow heart reads aloud to turn, simply over shoes over boots, at this point the affiance of escape and Williams.

冯小刚导演解读婚姻,“婚姻怎么选都是错的,但是长久的婚姻就是将错就错。”The way Director Feng interprets marriage is that "Marriage is always wrong no matter how you choose, but permanent marriage is make the best out of it without changing it."