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无法忍耐。Just can't stop.

我不要再忍耐和强逼自己忘记从前。Do not let me alone, plz.

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我们恳求他忍耐。We begged him to forbear.

忍耐是俍药。Patience is the best remedy.

忍耐不住把你包藏。Patience not put your parcel.

存心忍耐的,胜过居心骄傲的。Patience is better than pride.

译〕忍耐能征服一切。Patience overcomes all things.

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忍耐的低首。and its head bent low with patience.

其五是要学习忍耐。Fifthly, it is to learn to be patient.

忍耐好,忍耐是奇宝。Patience, patience is strange treasure.

"忍耐是美德"是句古老的谚语."Patience is a virtue" is an old saying.

男子般气概的你会紧握忍耐的支柱。Manfully cling to the pillar of Patience.

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我们忍耐到了极点。Our patience has been taxed to the limit.

我已经忍耐到极点了。Our patience has been taxed to the limit.

忍耐不需要其他的词语解释。Endurance does not need to be paraphrased.

我不能忍耐被他人讥嘲!I can't stand iphone appearing laughed at!

是继续忍耐这残暴如万箭穿心的命运。The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

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受了这个侮辱,我的忍耐到头了。With this insult, my patience was at an end.

我对你的无礼的忍耐是有限的。My tolerance of your impoliteness is limited.

即将告别,但还需要忍耐。To be leave-taking, but I need more patience.