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第四条支流是幼发拉底。And the fourth river is Euphrates.

有好几条河都是恒河的支流。Several rivers are _ to the Ganges.

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这是珠江的一条支流。This is a tributary of Zhujiang River.

这条河从这儿分成两条支流。The river divides here into two branches.

同时也有关于真实犯罪的支流影片。There is also the sub-genre of true crime.

支流注入大江之中。The tributary debouched into the big river.

是雅鲁藏布江最大的一条支流。Is a tributary of the Brahmaputra's largest.

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洛河是黄河的一条重要支流。Luohe River is an important branch of Yellow River.

这家公司把有毒废物倾倒入这条支流。The company dumped to toxic wastes into this canal.

这条支流在重山之间流过。This branch of the river flows between the mountains.

埃布罗河的支流——伊雷瓜河,秋意渐浓。RIO IREGUA the branch of River Ebro, really an Autumn.

那条小溪分成两股窄而弯曲的支流。The stream bifurcates into two narrow winding channels.

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喀什河是伊犁河的三大支流之一。The Kashi River is one the Ili's three major tributaries.

渭河是黄河最大的一级支流。The Weihe River is a largest tributary to the Yellow River.

北石店河的支流主要是司徒河。North Stone River tributary of the main shops are Situ River.

“史之支流”小说观念有其历史的合理性。There are properly historical reasons for "Branch of History".

喧嚣下,百川并纳,支流汇合。On this tumultuous descent, streams merge and tributaries unite.

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那片土地的东部一直延伸到怀特河中部的支流。The lands eastern border was the middle fork of the White River.

在田纳西河及其支流上都修建了大型水坝。Big dams were built across the Tennessee river and its tributaries.

这些支流系即为蚀出走向谷的次生河。These tributaries are subsequent streams which erode strike valley.