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与她合拍有默契。Being in tune with her.

爱和杀意合拍得像手套和手!Loving and Killing fit like hand in glove!

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你们在大多数问题上非常合拍。You are quite likely to agree on most subjects.

上市颜色丰富多彩与流行色潮流正好合拍。Listed with rich color and fashion color trend just beat.

我从来没有遇到过这样一位伴侣,与我着实古怪的生活节奏那么合拍。I've never had a partner so in sync with my rather odd vibes.

他这人是直觉的,特别为了与生命中的爱人合拍时。He was ­intuitive and especially attuned to the love of his life.

生儿育女和乐师动荡不定的生活是不合拍的。Babies and the chancy life of a musician do not exactly go together.

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善意的概念与你的精神信仰应该是合拍的。The concept of kindness should resonate with your spiritual beliefs.

可以看到德鲁。巴蒂摩尔与诺曼。让。罗伊合拍的的照片。View outtakes from Drew Barrymore's photo shoot with Norman Jean Roy.

为了欢迎轮船的到来,一支仪仗队步调合拍的行进着。To welcome the steamer, a long line of honor guards marched all in step.

巴特勒喜欢得分,隆多喜欢传球,但他们仍然不会合拍。Bulter likes to score and Rondo likes to pass and yet this will not work.

如果你能够和你的身体合拍,那么你也很可能会和她的身体合拍。If you are in tune with your body, you’ll likely be in tune with hers as well.

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你可能需要根据这些不合拍的表像去修改你的那些规划。You may need to revise any projections that are out-of-step with these indicators.

如果奥巴马在北京采取“一切照旧”的方式似乎就不太合拍了。If Obama takes a "business as usual" approach in Beijing, it will seem out of step.

中外合拍动画片在这一时段播出,需报广电总局批准。Cartoons co-produced by domestic and foreign producers will have to get approval first.

他们在性爱方面颇为合拍,因此可能有很多情趣游戏,但他们的婚姻并不可靠。They are sexually in tune, so a lot of pleasant games are possible but not a sound union.

XIII是由法国和加拿大合拍的一部电视剧,于2011年春上映。XIII by the French and Canadian co-production of a TV series, released in the spring of 2011.

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目前上影集团正在与美国漫威威娱乐协商合拍一部新的有“中国特色”的超级英雄电影。Thee Shanghai Film Group Corp is in talks with Marvel Entertainment on a new Chinese superhero film.

但是真正抢风头的是权相佑,他看起来与自己的角色非常合拍。But true show-stealing gigs come from Kwon Sang-woo who seems in perfect sync with his own character.

湖笔文化是农业社会的产物,合拍于变化缓慢的社会节奏。Brushes culture is the product of an agricultural society, in harmony in the society slow pace of change.