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是固定短语,意为“轮流做某事”。C take turns doing sth.

舅舅,叔叔轮流去押车。Uncle, uncle turns to guard.

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他们分两班轮流划船。They rowed the boat in two shifts.

我们轮流用泵把船里的水抽干。We took turns pumping out the boat.

他们轮流吸着糖水。They took turns sipping sugar water.

我们轮流来检视两者。Let me examine both of these in turn.

你说你将会轮流我幸福。You say you will take me blessedness.

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让我们轮流打扫这个房间吧。Let us take turns at cleaning the roon.

我和他隔日轮流打扫我们的房间。He and I clean our room on alternate days.

或者用它们轮流为对方按摩。Or take it in turns to massage each other.

我们来轮流依次讨论这些问题Good we'll talk about each of these in turn.

他的父母轮流看护他。His parents alternated in looking after him.

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汤姆和哈里隔日轮流做这工作。Tom and Harry do the work on alternate days.

我们轮流用泵把船里的水抽干。We took turns pumping water out of the boat.

然后他们轮流转动陀螺。Then they take it in turns to spin a dreidel.

你们可以轮流接送孩子。You can each take turns picking up the tykes.

巴克轮流在沙拉吧的餐具。Bakker turns to the utensils at the salad bar.

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小组轮流每次从10句绕口令中选取一个句子号码。Choose the No. from 10 tongue twisters in turn.

每天早晨僧人要轮流获得施舍。Every morning they must go on their alms round.

它每隔一年在罗马和日内瓦轮流举行会议。It meets in alternate years in Rome and Geneva.