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君与吾均未出席。You nor I was present.

出席所有的课程。Attend all the classes.

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必定来出席我的寿辰宴会。Do come to my celebrine.

富布赖特参议员也出席了葬礼。So was Senator Fulbright.

感谢大家出席!Thank you for attendance!

参加者是否坐轮椅出席?。Are you a wheelchair user?

一定准时出席。Be sure to attend on time.

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卡罗琳,你会出席吗?Caroline, will you be there?

哪些人出席这次会议?Who will attend the meeting?

她没有出席会议。She defaulted on the meeting.

因此我将乐于出席。And so I would love to attend.

他出席莫尔豪斯学院。He attended Morehouse College.

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她上夜校一贯按时出席。She's a regular attender at '.

她的出席使聚会更有生气。Her presence animated the party.

结果,百来位出席者都参与了。Hundreds of people participated.

出席演讲会的人很不少。The lectures were well attended.

禁止他们出席。They were banned from attending.

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欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。Welcome to the New Year's Concert.

你出席这次聚会吗?Do you show yourself at the party?

俱乐部的每个会员都出席了。Every member of the club was prest.