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病根太深,伤在心底。But it rooted in my heart deeply.

找出病根等于治愈了一半。To know the disease is half the cure.

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德国是欧洲的病根,就像日本是亚洲的病根一样。German is Europe's"sick man", just as Japan is Asia's.

德国是欧洲的病根,就像日本是亚洲的病根一样。Germany is Europe's "sick man", just as Japan is Asia's.

医生给他的胃开了刀,以便找出病根。The doctor opened up his stomach to get at the source of the trouble.

之所以认为“激进”,是因为手术目的是消除癌症的“病根”。They were called “radical” because the aim was to remove the “root” of cancers.

他们只是得到对治疗腹泻病根本无用的昂贵抗生素。Instead, they are given expensive antibiotics that are useless in treating diarrhoea.

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现在,就如看起来一样奇怪,这些垄断恰巧也是微软的病根所在。Now, strange as it seems, those monopolies are at the root of the company ' s malaise.

这可以说是目前我们所特有的官僚主义的一个总病根。This can be said to be one of the main causes of the bureaucracy peculiar to us today.

是你的基因出了问题,我真希望有医生能给基因解码,找出你的病根。什么。It is something wrong with your DNA. I wish that some doctors can unlock the DNA and find out the problem.

持怀疑态度者指出,间谍界的病根─地盘问题可能使分析家避免使用这些工具。Skeptics say territorial concerns — the curse of the spy world — might keep analysts from using the tools.

但是跳水所形成的上以千计的冲击给中国跳水运动员的眼睛落下了病根。But the impact of thousands upon thousands of dives has left many Chinese divers with permanent eye injuries.

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重建要医治引起土地退化的经济和社会病根。Rebuild the economy that wants cure to cause land to degrade and social the root cause of illness or trouble.

所以,就出现了产褥期不能洗澡、不能洗头,怕因此受风受凉留下病根。So, there puerperium can not bathe, can not wash your hair, for fear of leaving the root cause of the wind cold.

几乎所有的取胆熊,都有落下精神病根儿,不停摇晃脑袋,从此形成习惯不能自已。Almost all the "bile bears" have mental problems and shake their heads nonstop and can hardly control themselves.

几乎所有的取胆熊,都有落下精神病根儿,不停摇晃脑袋,从此形成习惯不能自已。Almost all the “bile bears” have mental problems and shake their heads nonstop and can hardly control themselves.

还有为什么,如果健康是真正的病根,那么摄入尼古丁的替代形式,如vaping,却要予以取缔?And why, if health is really the issue, should alternative forms of nicotine ingestion, such as vaping, be banned?

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第六,职前教育的局限与职后教育的乏力是体育教师行为失范的“病根”。Sixthly, limitation of pre-service education and lack of post-service education is the source of misconduct of PE teachers.

今天青少年的生活体验缺失问题,病根在家庭,表现在学校,社会让病情加重。The lost of life experience in the youth is rooted in their family, manifested in their school and aggravated in the society.

齐铁嘴和张副官知道佛爷是下矿后才得此病的,二月红也得了病,他们的病根可能有关系。JiTie mouth and zhang aide that the Buddha is next mine after the disease, in February, red also sick, their illness may have relations.