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她哀叹自己的厄运。She bewailed her misfortune.

蜡黄的脸色预示厄运就要降临。With the yellow face of Doom.

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厄运临头时,才知幸运贵。Misfortunes tell what fortune is.

虽然这不全然是厄运和忧愁。It's not all doom-and-gloom, though.

他感到无法抗拒的厄运即将降临。He feels an overwhelming sense of doom.

为什么得克萨斯未遭此厄运?Why didn’t the same thing happen in Texas?

唇裂或腭裂并非上天的诅咒,厄运的征兆。A cleft lip or palate is not a curse or omen.

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这一家遭到一连串的厄运。One of a series of waves or wavelike segments.

海盗们相信美人鱼会带来厄运。Pirates believed that mermaids brought bad luck.

邪恶是芬兰前卫的厄运金属乐队。Unholy was a finnish avantgarde doom metal band.

别让她参加咱们的活动,女人会给咱们带来厄运的。Don't let her join us, who will hex us as a female.

好朋友不会在人遭到厄运时弃之不顾.A good friend will not desert one in time of adversity.

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济慈的出身可以算是他的厄运的头一次打击。Keats’s origins counted as his first stroke of bad luck.

结果厄运降临,刘宏宇也被罚掉。As a result, misfortune befell. Liu Hongyu fouled out, too.

佛罗里达州经济长盛不衰,如今却也难逃厄运。Having boomed for so long, Florida's economy is now ailing.

怀斯曼医生说,“厄运来时,倒霉的人会崩溃。"Unlucky people collapse under bad luck, " says Dr. Wiseman.

他过去很富有,但后来在生意上连遭厄运。He used to be rich, but he met with reverses in his business.

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也许他们终于可以结束在底特律的厄运。Maybe they can finally end their frustrating jinx in Detroit.

九眼天珠是驱邪的,能为人转厄运为吉祥。Nine beads is evil, and people can turn bad luck to good luck.

我从未料想会有什么厄运降临在我或是我的朋友身上。I never thought that anything could happen to me or my friends.