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你是个罪人。You’re a sinner.

阿圣,还是罪人?A saint, or a sinner?

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每个人都是罪人。Every human is a sinner.

我们都是罪人,耶!All of us are sinners,yay!

他们是悔改的罪人。They are repentant sinners.

呼召,哦,罪人,归家。Calling, O sinner, come home!

为我罪人付赎价。And He came for sinners to atone.

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两国都是气候的罪人。Both nations are climate sinners.

现今是个罪人蒙主恩!I now am a sinner saved by grace!

我是个罪人蒙主恩!I'm only a sinner saved by grace!

我是个罪人吗?因为我的晚餐。Am I a sinner? Cuz like my dinner.

她的微笑足以让任何罪人改邪归正。A smile to turn any sinner saintly.

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衪自愿为罪人付代价。He paid the price of sin voluntarily.

我像到教堂去忏悔的罪人一样浑身是汗。I'm sweatin' like a sinner in church!

你必须承认你就是个罪人。You must admit that you are a sinner.

因为连罪人也爱那爱他们的人。Even sinners love those who love them.

神爱罪人,但神恨恶罪!God loves sinners, but God hates sins!

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就是罪人也借给罪人,要如数收回。Even 'sinners' love those who love them.

你可能会无意间开罪人。You might offend people without meaning to.

一个罪人停止了犯罪,他也仍然是一个罪人。A sinner who stops sinning is a sinner still.