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铸石是一种新型工业材料。The cast stone is a new type of manufacturing material.

镁矿,盐矿,溴矿,压电水晶,铸石用玄武岩。Magnesium mine, salt mine, Bromine mine, Piezoelectric Crystal.

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广泛用于铸石防腐、木材粘结等。It is widely used to cast stone anti-corrosion and wood binding, etc.

它作为单一原料可以用于生产铸石,不需加任何附加原料。As a single raw material, it may be used to produce casting stone without any additional materials.

通过模拟实验研究了利用高温磷渣液直接制备微晶铸石的工艺。This paper deals with the process of preparing cast stones directly from thermal phosphorous slag liquid.

本文介绍了铸石的性能和应用,以及铸石制品的生产过程。The properties and application of caststone, and the productive process of caststone are introduced in this paper.

考察不同厚度、孔径的载体对铸石吸声板吸声系数的影响。In this paper, the influence of board thickness and pore dimensions on the sound absorption coefficient of the board is studied.

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介绍了圆环链铸石衬板刮板运输机的故障处理及改进情况。This paper introduces the fault treatment and improving situation of scraping transporter with round-link chain and glass-ceramic sheathing board in coal washing plant.

可大量替代铸石、铸铁、高分子密度板等材料,广泛应用于煤炭、钢铁、电力、化工等行业。It is an ideal substitute for cast stone, cast iron and macromolecule plate. It can be widely used for coal mining, iron and steel works, power generating and chemical industries.

另一类是耐磨管道,包括低合金钢管、合金铸铁管、各种复合管、陶瓷管、衬胶管、聚酯材料管道、铸石管道等。The other is wear-resistant pipe, including low-alloy steel pipe, alloy cast iron pipes, composite pipe, ceramic pipe, with rubber tubes, polyester materials, pipe, cast stone pipes.

通过采取改进运焦系统溜槽内铸石板的规格、施工方法等途径,达到了提高溜槽寿命的目的,大幅度降低了维修工作量。By ways of improving specification of inner rock plate of slide channel of coke transport system and construction method, the channel working life gets prolonged, maintenance work reduced.

铸石胶粘防腐耐磨涂层是以胶粘剂加入防腐填料-铸石粉涂敷于构件表面上所形成的一种具有防腐、耐磨性能的复合材料涂层。The adhesive coating is composed of an adhesive and an anticorrosive filler-cast stone powder, which is coated on the surface of structural components to prevent it from corrosion and wear.

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陶瓷内衬复合钢管与钢管、磨合金铸管、铁管和铸石管比较,相对重量轻,便于运输和安装。The ceramic-lined steel composite pipes are lighter than alloy pipes, cast iron pipes, and cast stone pipes, which reduces the expense of transportation and makes the pipes easier to install.