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好多人为国尽忠,为国捐躯。Many a man has lived and died for his country.

我开始祈祷,为了她父亲,在波兰为国捐躯的赫尔曼祷告。I try to pray. For Hermann, lying in a grave somewhere in Poland.

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他儿子为国捐躯而他却投身于教学。His son gave his life for the country while he gave his life to teaching.

我要你们记住,没有哪个狗杂种是靠“为国捐躯”来赢得一场战争的。I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.

这个小英雄为国捐躯了,人们哀悼了他五天。The little hero died for his country and people grieved over him for five days.

3500多万中华民族的优秀儿女为国捐躯。More than 35 million of excellent sons and daughters of the Chinese nation died for their motherland.

阵亡将士纪念日这天,我们悼念军队中为国捐躯的将士们。On memorial day we honor the men in our armed forces who made the supreme sacrifice for their country.

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合适的特工来为国捐躯、当着世人的面刺杀汉密尔顿agreeable agent to sacrifice himself for his country by murdering Hamilton Smith in front of the world.

在抗击日本侵略战争中,70多位华支战士为国捐躯。In the war of resistance against Japanese aggression, more than 70 Wha Chi fighters made their supreme sacrifice.

星期一是美国的阵亡将士纪念日。美国民众在全国各地以各种方式纪念为国捐躯的阵亡将士。Americans are pausing Monday to honor the country's war dead, as the United States observes its annual Memorial Day.

没有什么比为国捐躯、为邻国捐躯、为一些其它外国捐躯更神圣和意义深远得啦。Nothing is more profound or more sacred than to die for one's country, an adjacent country, or some other, foreign country.

而红色则代表鲜血与革命,以提醒人民不要忘记曾为国捐躯的先烈。Red often stands for blood or revolution. This color is a reminder of the people who sacrificed their lives for that country.

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而红色常代表鲜血与革命,以提醒人民不要遗忘曾为国捐躯的先烈。Red often stands for blood or revolution. This color is a reminder of the people who sacrificed5 their lives for that country.

我们今天到此集会,是为了将这一战场的一部分奉献给那些为国捐躯的烈士们,作为他们最后的安息之地。We have come to dedicate a portion of at field as a fin al resting pl ace for those who here gave their lives th atn ation might live.

这个仪式表彰在战争中为国捐躯的美国人,以及表扬目前在美军服务的人。The tradition honors Americans who have lost their lives in battle, and also the men and women who currently serve in the U.S. military.

今天在这个山头上,成立了一个展示厅,用以纪念此战役以及在此战役中为国捐躯的抗日烈士们。Today, an interpretive centre, Reflections at Bukit Chandu, stands on the hill, commemorating the battle and the contributions of these men.

如果你年满18岁,那么你就有权投票选举总统,可以参军入伍、为国捐躯,但不满21岁你仍然不能买酒。If you are 18 years old, you are entitled to elect the president, you can become a soldier and die for your country, but you cannot buy a drink until you are 21.

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当然除非他们也是为国而战,不过在这种情况下,死在我手上必将是无上荣耀--因为他们,和我一样,都将为国捐躯。Unless of course, they're also fighting for a country. In which case, their deaths, at my hands, will have been honorable—because they, like me, would have died for a country.

今天,我们在这个伟大的战场上相聚,将这战场的一部分土地奉献给那些为国捐躯的人们,作为安息之所——这乃是我们的职责和本分。We are met on a great battle-field , as a final resting place for those who have gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

可能有许多勇敢的印度人,随时准备着为国捐躯,但是我确信很少人肯穿上这种全印度的服装,面对着通衢闹市,即使这样做对国家是有好处的。There may be many a brave Indian ready to die for his country, but there are but few, I am sure, who even for the good of the nation would face the public streets in such pan-Indian garb.