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尽管战马和英雄倒下去了。While horse and hero fell.

那是我的一匹战马。That is one of my war-horses.

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战马就是一个上选。The Warhorse is an obvious choice.

一名没有高贵战马的骑士是什么样子?What's a knight without a noble steed?

你要去驯服那匹战马?You're going to tame the jousting steed?

就像亚瑟王时代,有骑士和战马的时代。Like, King Arthur, with knights and horses.

一匹地狱战马的大小和一匹小型战马相当。A felsteed is about the size of a light warhorse.

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树林里停着大车和战马。In the wood stood the ambulance waggons and horses.

一匹恐惧战马的大小和一匹大型战马相当。A dreadsteed is about the size of a big heavy warhorse.

陪葬坑中还挺立着几百匹战马。In the burial pits there also stand hundreds of horses.

我恳请她能给我一匹战马,好让我踏平敌人的庄园,重返故土。And I begged her give me horses to trample down my enemies.

在揭幕战中,东道主安哥拉队对战马里队。The hosts Angola have been playing Mali in the opening game.

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亚历山大大帝非常宠爱他的战马比塞弗勒斯。Alexander the Great was extremely fond of his warhorse Bucephalus.

让我们不要忘记,真正的尝试了战马固定利率贷款。Let's not forget the tried and true warhorse of the fixed rate loan.

是他的推广人不想迎战马奎兹,真有意思。It's his promoter that doesn't want to fight Marquez, and that's fine.

你却将他的战马投入深海,投入多水的沼泽中。Thou madest a way in the sea for thy horses, in the mud of many waters.

近卫重骑兵一面驰骋,一面微微地勒住战马。The cavalry guards were galloping , though still holding in their horses.

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阿帕奇弓骑兵骑乘缴获战马,使用战弓和短斧作战。Mounted Apachean troops riding captured horse, wielding bows and hatchets.

亚历山大大帝的战马比塞弗勒斯,是他十多岁时获得的。Alexander the Great acquired his warhorse Bucephalus when he was in his teens.

这些亡灵战马与生前一样强壮,而且更加精力充沛。These undead steeds are as strong as they were in life, and far more resilient.