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一个是中国人的小圈子。One wass group of Chinese.

小圈子里的人一荣俱荣,一损俱损!A small group of people in all countries, a harmed!

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多年以前我的父母是对的,他们把我带出了那个小圈子。My parents were right to push me all those years ago.

她嘘了声,"南非人是他们自己最大的敌人,他们居住在自己的小圈子里,他们告诫自己这个国家除了自己的圈子之外都是危险的。She tutted. "South Africans are their own worst enemies.

你能谈谈吗,还有你在这个小圈子里是什么角色?Can you discuss that, and what your role is in that small circle?

作为一个青少年,她觉得自己的成长超出她生活的小圈子。As an adolescent, she feels herself outgrowing her own small circle.

对这班人阿切尔夫人和她那个小圈子怀有某种畏怯感。Archer and her group felt a certain timidity concerning these persons.

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当然他也不害羞或是内向,他只是喜欢呆在自己舒适的小圈子里而已。He wasn't shy or withdrawn, he just liked to stay in his own comfort zone.

对这班人阿切尔夫人和她那个小圈子怀有某种畏怯感。Mrs. Archer and her group felt a certain timidity concerning these persons.

早在2000年的时候,政治上反对者的小圈子有了些扩大。Early in the 2000s, the small circle of political opponents widened modestly.

卡尔·马克思终其一生只是在一个影响力微弱的小圈子里才为人所知。Karl Marx was in his lifetime known only to small groups of uninfluential people.

没有人想要站起来反抗沙里夫的这个小圈子,只有一些在政府部门的人才敢这么做。Nobody wanted to go up against that inner circle, and few in the government dared.

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先绕小圈子巡了一下,再扩大圈子游了一会,什么眉目也没有。She cruised in a small circle, then a larger one, without seeing anything encouraging.

在这样一个小圈子里,原本缄默的柳儿很快与我们攀谈起来。In such a small group the formerly quiet Willow began to quickly come out of her shell.

他警告我们不要退缩到我们的小圈子里去,但他从未能逃脱他自己的小圈子。He warned us against retreating into our bubbles, but he was never able to escape his own.

北京——在中国学术界的一个小圈子里流传着这样一个问题,叫做“钱学森问题”。BEIJING — It’s known among a small circle of scholars in China as“the Qian Xuesen question.

在维基新闻的背后有一个被称作公民记者的新闻获取小圈子。There’s a coterie of news hounds calling themselves as citizen journalists behind Wikinews.

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而在他活动于其中的这个革命鼓吹者的小圈子里,他的政敌反而要多于他的朋友。In the circles of revolutionary agitators in which he moved he had more enemies than friends.

小圈子虽然可以让你和部分人亲近,但也让你和他人疏远。Creating a clique may bring you closer to a select few, but it also alienates you from others.

她感到自己被生活局限在一个小圈子里,她永远无法摆脱灶台和孩子。She feels penned in by her life. She can never get away from the kitchen stove or the children.