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我为什么要退学呢?So why did Id rop out?

你要退学真是发疯了。You'd be crazy to drop out.

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我正考虑从大学中退学。I m thinking of dropping out of college.

很多成年人的自闭首先从退学开始。Many adult shut-ins start as school dropouts.

杰克因为想在中国发展,所以他决定退学了。Jack wants to do business in China, so he droped out.

这时布来温又改口到,不,但我又不能退学。Blevins recalled. "I just knew I didn't want to quit."

这是他第二次因不及格而遭大学退学。This is the second time he has flunked out of college.

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而金度恒也转学,珠英退学了。Constant also transfer the gold degree, bead dropped out.

我开始以为他说的是我哥,因为他退学了。I assumed he meant my brother, for flunking out of school.

1942年,休伊特险些因不及格而从纽约大学退学。After nearly flunking out of New York University in 1942, Mr.

因为向老师行窃,导致他在上学时被退学。Stealing from a teacher led to his expulsive from high school.

保证该轴是适合冲洗管回每个退学。Insure that the axle is fit flush to the back of each drop-out.

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因为小丁在读过半年后就自动退学,当了逃兵。Because of the small dread half after the drop, when a deserter.

比尔。盖茨在他大二时就退学了。Bill Gates dropped out of his university when he was a sophomore.

电大学生都能坚持到最后吗?有没有中途退学的?。Can all the students hold on to the last? are there any drop-outs?

二十名学生考试不及格而被学校勒令退学。Twenty students have been flunked out and had to leave the school.

年纪大点的学生先后悄悄地退学,入伍当兵去了。The older students fell out quietly and drifted away to enlistments.

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这是否意味着应该从哈佛退学而投资自己的鼻子?Does that mean you should drop out of Harvard and invest in a nose job?

家长服务按金在学生退学或毕业时退回。The deposit will be refunded when students withdraw or graduate from KCS.

学生们表示,若不能回本部读书就退学。The students said that if this can not come back to school on the drop-out.