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警察查抄了他们的赌窟。The police raided their gambling house.

一周后再来查抄。张仲景大厨房。Come prograres a week for any cheque up.

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这台离心机的动力装置必需重新查抄。This centrifuge power unit must be rechecked.

您夫奈起头当你查抄到你的房间。Your NYE begins when you check into your room.

据这家公司的员工表示,其它几家公司的展台也遭到了当地警方的查抄。Other companies were also raided, one employee said.

她表示不清楚这次查抄的原因。The reasons for the seizure "are not very clear", she said.

查抄纸,猜测纸尺寸与送纸器抵髑。Check the paper size and paper to determine the paper-feed tray.

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完成了,他拿起了一个手镜查抄一下他的后脑。Finished, he picked up a hand mirror to check out the back of his head.

我们的现场质量查抄员将每天向工程项目经理报告请教。Our site quality inspector will report to the Project Manager everyday.

查抄任何障碍和毁坏叶子和杂物过滤器地迹象。Check for any obstructions and signs of damage to the leaf and debris filter.

血常规查抄常有嗜酸性粒细胞增多。The eosinophil increase can always be found out via routine blood inspections.

我应该看验光师还是眼科医师,作眼镜查抄时?I'm confused. Should I go to an optometrist or ophthalmologist for my eye exam?

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警方查抄了与他有关的两名事项职员和一间配药房,以及他的家里。Two offices and a pharmacy connected to him have been searched by police, as has his home.

当地居民称,极端分子是突然查抄了阿夫戈耶看比赛人们的屋子。Residents said the militants raided houses in Afgoye where people were watching the matches.

查抄过仪器的参数后,瘫痪的寄生虫乘下降伞到天堂去了。Having checked the parameters of the apparatus, the paralysed parasite went to the paradise by parachute.

查抄过仪器的参数后,瘫痪的寄生虫乘下降伞到天国去了。having checked the parameters of the apparatus, the paralysed parasite went to the paradise by parachute.

认真查抄接心设置毛病的IP地点正在当地及周边路由器。Double-check the interface configuration for misconfigured IP addresses on the local and neighboring routers.

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他也没有像津巴布韦的罗伯特·穆加贝在2000年后那样迫害、杀害或暴力查抄财产。Nor is he persecuting, killing or violently seizing properties, as Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe has done since 2000.

如果谁要把美国的地面队伍调派到亚洲大陆,那他就应该查抄一下他的头脑是否正常。Anybody who commits the land power of the United States on the continent of Asia ought to have his head examined.

心电图仪可查抄人的心脏状态,脑电图仪可查抄人的前脑状态。For instance, electrocardiograph can detect heart's condition. Electroencephalograph can detect brain's condition.