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都说李鸿章卖国,可他又有什么能耐呢?If you were in his shoes, what could you do?

郎平执教美国女排,是在“卖国”?Does Langping guidance USA female vollyball, that is quislism?

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不论谁卖国投敌将会被判死刑。Whoever will betray his country to the enemy will be condemned to death.

美国正在下沉,如果美国公司和美国代表们继续卖国行为的话。We are sinking if American corporations and our representatives continue partsan practices.

后,在望洋兴叹之际,他自沉汨罗江,以明其忠贞卖国的。Later, in a time when no alternative, since Shen Miluo River of his loyalty to the motherland.

我们现在特地在你们的头衔上加上卖国二字,你们应当承认了。We have now deliberately added the word "traitorous" to your title, and you ought to accept it.

间谍活动、叛党卖国、逮捕拷打、处决灭迹,这种事情永远不会完。The espionage, the betrayals, the arrests, the tortures, the executions, the disappearances will never cease.

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他们想要做的只是清算那些卖国投敌的汉奸,其中多数往往就是本村的大地主。All they thought to do was to settle with their traitors who, it just so happened, were most often big landlords.

他怀念郢都,怀念百姓,憎恨敌人,憎恨奸邪,决心用自己的生命去警告卖国的小人,激发全国百姓的爱国赤忱。He was determined to arouse his people's patriotism and condemn those who had destroyed Ch'u State by taking his own life.

这个由反英卖国低级人渣组成的政府宁可把我们的钱都送给腐败国家,欧盟和第三世界的人渣!The traitorous anti British low life scum of government prefer to give our money to corrrupt countries, the EU and third world scum!

这场经济危机是“严重依赖殖民经济”的必然结果,也是金泳三集团屈服、卖国、反社会主义经济政策的产物。It is an inevitable result of the colonial dependent economy and a product of Kim Young Sam's flunkeyist, treacherous and anti-social economic policy.

Tuszynska从来都不认识Gran,直至在巴黎的时候,波兰犹太人告诉了他这个“通敌卖国”的歌手也在这片土地上。Tuszynska had never heard of Gran before Polish Jews in Paris told her about the singer—sometimes, the “collaborationist” singer—living in their midst.

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沼泽阿拉伯人已经在那里生活了数千年,但萨达姆指责该民族在1980至1988年的两伊战争中卖国,下令用大坝围堵了该区,使其水尽干枯。The Marsh Arabs have lived there for thousands of years but Saddam accused them of treachery during the 1980-1988 war with Iran and ordered their homeland to be dammed and drained.

奸细更设计谗谄多禄图谋不轨,于输送礼品往吐蕃时,派杀手拆台,意图毁坏大唐与吐蕃的国交,通蕃卖国!More Chan carry more spies design Paul to plan lawless ACTS, in conveying gift to Turk, sent the killer CaTai, intention and the tubo kingdom datang destroyed, the sweet nation-selling! ! ! ! !

他称此为卖国条约,该条约可能迫使美国成为全球禁烟运动的最大支助国,但美国的影响力却没因此得到相应的提升。He calls the treaty a surrender of sovereignty which would punish the United States by forcing it to fund the lion's share of a global anti-tobacco drive with no corresponding rise in influence.