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你是神经病。You are psycho.

我觉得我就像得了神经病。I felt like I was sick.

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神经病在空中修建城堡。Neurotics build castles in the sky.

你简直是神经病。You are simply not in your right mind.

我背后伤人?你神经病!Me a backstabber? You got a lot of nerve.

没错我是你个工于心计的神经病婊子!Yeah, I am, you manipulative psycho bitch!

"又是个神经病,"酒吧招待说过后,转过头去。"Otro loco mas," said the barman and turned away.

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他们跑来一看,都以为他俩得了神经病。They came to see one, they all thought had neuropathy.

每天吃几个苹果就能让你远离神经病医生。A couple of apples a day may keep the neurologist away.

神经病知道二加二等于四—但他讨厌这样。A neurotic knows two and two are four -- but he hates it.

她总是将自己的神经病投射到她的同事身上。She always projects her own neuroses onto her colleagues.

我唯一的病人就是那个开图书馆的神经病。And my only patient will be some wacko who runs a library.

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申请了两个谷歌广告全给我封了,神经病。Google filed two letters to me the whole ad, and neuropathy.

振动觉缺失或减弱是神经病变的第一体征。Absent tor reduced vibration sense is the first sign of neuropathy.

除了一群神经病,中国没人抵制这部电影。Nobody in China is boycotting the movie, except a couple of nutcases.

她为省电把家里的灯都关了,真是神经病。She's neurotic about switching lights off at home to save eletricity.

神经病人思维广,弱智儿童欢乐多。Neuropathy people think wide, mentally retarded children more than joy.

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你的医生诊断过你患有糖尿病神经病变吗?Has your doctor ever told you that you have diabetic neuropathy? Yes No.

结果那女人好厉害的,不停的骂“神经病啊你!A result, that woman was amazing, and kept the curse, "neuropathy ah you!"

我边上楼边狠狠地骂,流年不利,碰上一对神经病。I went upstairs and chewed, an unlucky year, touch on a pair of neuropathy.