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总路线就是逐步改变生产关系。The general line means a gradual change in the relations of production.

而且,所有的代理人必须服从总路线的所有命令保证缓存一致性。Moreover, all agents must listen to all transactions in order to maintain cache coherence.

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运行5,000轮左右,蚂蚁的群体思维就会推演出一条相当理想的总路线。Run for 5,000 rounds or so, the ant group-mind would evolve a fairly optimal global route.

过渡时期总路线所规定的完成过渡的时间过于短暂。The transition period provided by "the general route in the transitive period" is too short.

统一战线工作历来是为党的总路线建设和服务的。The work of the United Front has always been serving the party's general line and construction.

中共开始与苏共进行关于国际共运总路线的大论战。CCP commenced the disputation with CPSU on the general route of international communist movement.

就是指「总路线」、「大跃进」及「人民公社」。The 'Three Red Banners' means the 'General Line for Socialist Construction', 'Great Leap Forward' and 'People's Communes'.

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至于油漆和家具,总路线来自五十年代的北欧设计,现代而清爽。As for paint and furniture, the general ambiance is inspired greatly by 1950s scandinavian design in staying modern and clean.

对过渡时期总路线的深人研究和进一步评价,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。Deep study and further evaluation of the general route of transitive period is of great significance in both theory and practice.

在这种形势下面,全党同志必须紧紧地掌握党的总路线,这就是新民主主义革命的路线。In this situation, all comrades must firmly grasp the general line of the Party, that is, the line of the new-democratic revolution.

对社会主义所有制认识上的偏差,是造成过渡时期总路线局限性的主要原因。The understanding deviation about the socialist ownership is the main cause of the limitation of "the general route in the transitive period".

此外,艾默生在此PVC项目中执行了基金会现场总路线技术,以适应高级的数字通信协议。In addition, Emerson implemented FOUNDATION fieldbus technology in this first PVC project to adopt the advanced digital communications protocol.

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如何理解党在不同时期制定的总路线对中国社会生产力产生的影响,就成为本文要论述的主要方面。Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the impact on China's productive force of the party's general guideline at different stage of history.

总路线,总纲领,工业化,社会主义改造,十月开会,要讲一下。The general line, the general programme, industrialization and socialist transformation should be discussed at the forthcoming October conference.

但是,许多同志往往记住了我党的具体的个别的工作路线和政策,忘记了我党的总路线和总政策。However, while many comrades remember our Party's specific lines for work and specific policies, they often forget its general line and general policy.

原创主义指示了中国设计革命的总路线和总政策,又规定了各项工作路线和各项具体的思考。Originalism has laid down the leading principle and policy of the Chinese design revolution as well as various detailed working and thinking principles.

但是,许多设计师往往记住了原创主义的具体的个别的工作路线和思考,忘记了原创主义的总路线和总政策。However, though many designers may keep in mind specific working and thinking principles of our originalism , they often forget its leading principle and policy.

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新税制发展下去,势必离开马克思列宁主义,离开党在过渡时期的总路线,向资本主义发展。That system, if allowed to develop, would have led inevitably to capitalism, in contravention of Marxism-Leninism and the Party's general line for the transition period.

同志们知道,我党规定了中国革命的总路线和总政策,又规定了各项具体的工作路线和各项具体的政策。You comrades know that our Party has laid down the general line and general policy of the Chinese revolution as well as various specific lines for work and specific policies.

他对总路线与大跃进、国民经济综合平衡、所有制关系以及公共食堂等问题的认识有一个深化过程。His understanding about the General Line, the Great leap Forward, Comprehend balance of national economy, Ownership relation and the public canteen undergoes a deepening process.