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二胡被称为中国的小提琴。Erhu is called Chinese violin.

二胡的音域有三个八度。The range consists of three octaves.

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那大家就来听一下二胡的演奏So, we're going to listen to an erhu playing.

不过,丝弦二胡真的已经毫无价值了吗?However, is silk-string Er-Hu really valueless?

又如我学拉二胡。Another case in point is my learning to play erhu.

那叫二胡,是一种用弓演奏的琴。Well, it's an erhu, a kind of fiddle played with a bow.

他一不小心把爷爷的二胡的外弦弄断了。He accidentally broke the outer string of grandpa's urheen.

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他创作改编二胡乐曲达30余首。He creates the reorganization urheen music to reach 30 heads.

是由中国的古典乐器二胡演奏出来的It's played by a traditional Chinese instrument called the erhu.

二胡现在已成为中国最流行的乐器之一。Erhu now has become one of the most popular instruments in China.

二胡是一种主要发出歌唱性般旋律的乐器。The Erhu is mainly a instrument for melody in a sense like voice.

2007年是二胡演奏家教育家黄海怀逝世40周年的纪念日。The year of 2007 was the 40th anniversary of Huang Haihuai's death.

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本文重点研究的是苏南二胡曲的润腔艺术。This paper focuses on the Runqiang Art of Erhu music in Sunan area.

来自童话般美丽的东方的国际知名二胡演奏大师马晓辉。From a fairytale East came the music of the guest soloist Ma Xiaohui.

并对于由我的二胡音乐传递出来的上海魅力产生相当的兴趣。" I brought the "charms of Shanghai" to the party with my Erhu music.

爷爷玩得一手很好的二胡和很喜欢唱粤曲。He is also a great Erhu player he also likes to sing Chinese opera too.

和提姆的合作,让她开始寻思二胡的前景。The cooperation with Tim started her seeking the new prospect of Er-Hu.

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另外,二胡有一个杯形状的琴筒和用马尾制成的弓。In addition, there is a cup-shaped canister and a bow made of horsehair.

然而,二胡演奏时,弓毛是在两个弦之间运动。However, in the case of erhu, the horse hair runs between the two strings.

二胡大师能用两根弦拉最复杂的小提琴曲。Er-hu virtuosi can play even the most complex violin pieces with two strings.