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那根巨大的分针不动了。The big minute hand did not move.

这个长针我们称之为分针。The longer hand is called the minute hand.

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我们注意到分针没有动。We noticed that the minute hand did not move.

似乎过了一个世纪,分针终于指到了12。It seemed a century, minute, finally means to 12.

把它的分针向回拨,时光于是倒流。Turn back the minute hand, the time will be bake.

手表的分针移动速度比没有地雷。A watch's minute hand moves more quickly than did mine.

钟有三个指针,秒针,分针和时针。A clock has three hands, the second, minute, and hour hand.

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蓝色的分针被置于表盘的中央。The blued minute hand in the centre dominates the clear dial.

这就是为什么分针会走的少,秒针会走的多的原因。That is why the watches will get less, the reason The hands will go.

手表有三根指针--秒针,分针和时针。A watch has three hands ---- the second hand, minute hand and hourhand.

但是那只是为分针作铺垫,而分针则是为时针作铺垫。But that's just for a minute, and minute loudly for clockwise is loudly.

这时,钟的时针和分针都指向十二点。Both the hour hand and the minute hand of the clock now pointed to twelve.

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钟的直径为9米,分针的长度为5.7米。The clock is 9-meter wide in diameter and the minute hand is 5.7-meter long.

在客厅里放一座有分针走动声的落地钟等。One is put to minute hand ambulates in the sitting room be born bell of sound.

时针和分针每小时重叠一次,但在12小时内会重叠11次,一天之内重叠22次。Thee hands overlap once an hour, but 11 times in 12 hours and 22 times in a day.

在表盘上有一个时针,一个分针和一个秒针。There is an hour hand, a minute hand and a second hand on the face of the clock.

但是那钟似乎有什么不对,它的巨大的分针不动了。But it seemed something wrong with the big clock. The big minute hand did not move.

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活检分针吸活检或切开式活检,小肿瘤也可行切除活检。Biopsy can be needle or incisional biopsy or, if the tumor is small, excisional biopsy.

我看了看墙上的钟,它黑色的分针刚好跳到两点半。I looked at the wall clock just in time to see its black minute hand shift to half-past.

我看了看墙上的挂钟时间,看它黑色的分针转移到半过去。I looked at the wall clock just in time to see its black minute hand shift to half-past.