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三位一体教义。The Doctrine of the Trinity.

这就是我在三位一体教堂体验到的情形。That has been my experience at Trinity.

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如今聚一人身上才三位一体。Which three till now never kept seat in one.

因为我们的三位一体神是充满恩典的神。Because our triune God is the God of all grace.

上帝是三位一体,我们又怎能说他是一位呢?God is trinity, but how can we say that he is one?

神若非三位一体,将无幸福可言。Unless God were trine, there would not be happiness.

特拉华州则要求发誓相信三位一体的宗教信仰原则。Delaware required an oath affirming belief in the Trinity.

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甚至1689年的容忍法也排除了反三位一体主义者。Even the Toleration Act of 1689 excepted anti-Trinitarians.

这个岛的名字在希腊语中称为“特里亚达”或者“三位一体”。The island's name in Greek is Agia Triada, or Holy Trinity.

所以,凡要得救的人必须如此想到三位一体的神。He therefore that will be saved must thus think of the Trinity.

三位一体的父、子、圣灵是至高无上,统管万有的。The holy Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit reigns supreme.

它的基本思想是“三位一体”论和“一分为三”论。Its basic ideas are "three unities" and "one divided into three".

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所有的殖民地都要求唯有相信三位一体之神的人方可任公职。All colonies required belief in the Triune God for office-holding.

最大的学院—三位一体学院则是由国王亨利三世在1546年建立的。The largest college, Trinity, was founded by King Henry III in 1546.

“本地”、“当季”、“有机”已经成了神圣的三位一体。Words such as local, seasonal and organic have become a holy trinity.

三位一体的上帝是同尊同荣,不分轾轩。Mark the union of the Three Divine Persons in all their gracious acts.

那是三位一体和亚历山大图书馆之间的连结。That's the connection between that trinity and the Alexandrian Library.

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延安自然科学院是一所定位于“三位一体”办学模式的近代理工科大学。Yan'an Natural Academy is a modern university with trinity teaching mode.

封闭的五个条款符号,展开成为三位一体的十字架符号。The closed, five-term sign opens up as a triad into the sign of the cross.

这是三位一体的方针,三者不可缺一。The three form an organic whole, and not one of them can be dispensed with.