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一片焦土。Scorched dEarth.

整片树林被烧成了一片焦土。The whole forests seared.

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战争留给‘争执之地’一片焦土,而里斯和密尔的联盟也解除。The war left the Disputed Lands a waste, and freed Lys and Myr from the yoke.

大火把近189平方英里的土地化为了焦土,圣安娜风还在继续助长火势。Santa Ana winds continue to fan the blaze as it scorched nearly 189 square miles.

几天前,北韩警告说,它可以把韩国夷为焦土。Several days ago, North Korea warned it may turn the South into a "sea of ashes."

斯佩尔为纽伦堡法庭概括地说明了关于实行“焦土”政策的各种命令。Speer tried to summarize for the Nuremberg court the various "scorched earth" orders.

因此他在一堆堆灰烬中搜寻,在一团团焦土中寻找。He therefore searched carefully through mound after mound of ashes and burned-out blobs.

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得以穿越附近的边境进入土耳其的难民讲述了军方类似的焦土政策。Refugees making their way across the nearby border to Turkey spoke similarly of a scorched earth policy.

然而当草苗重新从焦土中冒出头来时,幸存的草食动物又可茁壮繁衍。Once the grasses reemerged on the burnt landscape, however, the surviving grazing animals had a boom time.

据希拉里的发言人表示,她已经做好了准备,无论川普到时会使用何种ⷀ“焦土战术”。Herr spokesman said the Democratic nominee was ready for whatever "scorched-earth" tactics her rival might try.

这提示沮丧桑托斯思考焦土战术,如摧毁叛军所使用的民用住宅。That prompted a frustrated Santos to contemplate scorched-earth tactics such as destroying civilian homes used by the rebels.

一旦土地变成焦土,或者盐碱地,一旦沿海和地势低的地区长期被水覆盖,这些人群不可能回到家园。If land is parched or salinated, if coastal and low-lying areas are permanently under water, these people cannot simply go home.

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残酷高效的杀戮让海恩波利和他的军队所到之处全部变成一片焦土,似乎没有什么能阻挡这个邪恶的国王去实现他的野心。Brutally efficient killing Hayne Polly and his army went all to ashes, seems nothing can stop the evil king to achieve his ambition.

这些计画当中,企图心最大的是撒哈拉沙漠中的绿洲托什卡,位于有如月球表面的焦土中,遍地沙石与外露岩块。The most ambitious of these projects is in Toshka, a Sahara Desert oasis in a scorched lunar landscape of sand and rock outcroppings.

与此同时,某些环保人士要求的那种焦土地球的生活方式转变是我们大多数人所不愿意接受的。At the same time the kind of scorched-earth lifestyle transformation some environmentalists demand is more than most of us are willing to embrace.

走过我化为焦土的国家,我亲眼见到受害者的痛苦、亲耳听到失去母亲的孤儿和失去孩子的母亲痛苦的哀号。I travelled through my burning land and saw with my own eyes the pain of the victims, and heard with my own ears the screams of the orphans and the bereaved.

世界上所有丰饶的城市在一瞬间不复存在,预言中的帝国也在一天之内消失,‘长夏之地’尽为焦土汪泽与荒芜。The proudest city in all the world was gone in an instant, its fabled empire vanished in a day, the Lands of the Long Summer scorched and drowned and blighted.

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它很快就演变成了围绕个人品性展开的“焦土策略”式的争斗,双方都在利用选民对另一位候选人的强烈厌恶。It has quickly deteriorated into a scorched-earth contest about personality and temperament, with each side exploiting voters' strong dislike of the other candidate.

又是一个人了,走过烧毁的树木和焦土,在那里她的人曾试图捕龙,丹尼走遍了金字塔希望找到魁晰。Alone again, Dany went all the way around the pyramid in hopes of finding Quaithe, past the burned trees and scorched earth where her men had tried to capture Drogon.

我们会建议他们,他们的焦土政策是不会被我们容忍的,一旦发现,我们会立即采取措施。They should also be advised that a Scorched Earth policy carried out by their operatives will not be tolerated and we have measures in hand should this be contemplated.