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睢宁公园的悬铃木,她们见证了很多爱情故事。Sunning Park's London Planetrees. They Witness many love story.

一条老狗的吠声传来,狗拴在那棵悬铃木上。She heard the barking of an old dog that was chained to the sycamore tree.

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那天,春末夏初的和风吹得正有劲,摇晃着悬铃木的梢头。A brisk May breeze was blowing, which swayed the crests of the plaintain-trees.

生长环境差、长势弱的悬铃木发病重。Plantnas growing in bad environment and weak growth vigor are infected seriously.

该种新人侵害虫在湖北武汉等城市危害三球悬铃木。The imported species damages the leaves of Platnus orientalit in Wuhan, Hubei Province.

因此,悬铃木方翅网蝽的寄主范围较为单一,只有悬铃木属植物是其寄主。Thus, the host range of C. ciliata is essentially restricted to plants of the genus Platanus.

主要致敏花粉为蒿属、大麻草属、悬铃木属和杨属等。The principal pollen sensitizing in ZiBo city was Artemisia, Humulus. Platanus and Populus etc.

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可以肯定的是,在远离地面的云雾般的悬铃木上,有一大群云雾般的鸟。Sure enough, there was a flock of misty jaybirds high in a misty sycamore tree, far above the ground.

那条路的两边都是高大的悬铃木,枝叶扶疏,遮满道路上窄仄的天空。Tall chinars are arrayed on both sides of the road. With dense branches and leaves, they cover the sky.

并且通过对落叶规律的观察统计,筛选出比较理想的悬铃木落叶剂配方。Through statistical observation of falling leaves, a more ideal formula of the defoliant was developed.

古老的湖泊已经淤塞,18世纪的种植园里满是多余的灌木和悬铃木。The historic lake had silted up. The 18th-century plantations were thick with unwanted scrub and sycamores.

本文对青岛市及周边地区悬铃木上的根结线虫病展开了系统调查。The investigations of root-knot nematode disease of sycamore in Qingdao and its circumjacent cities were conducted.

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一种模拟悬铃木种子作螺旋运动的巨型风力涡轮机横空出世,它可能给风力发电产业带来革命性变化。A giant wind turbine design that mimics the spiralling motion of a sycamore seed could revolutionise the wind power industry.

我们站在市场上,黑人们揭开花布包囊,打开悬铃木箱子。We stood in the market- place, and the negroes uncorded the bales of figured cloths and opened the carved chests of sycamore.

介绍了方翅网蝽属和悬铃木方翅网蝽的鉴别特征、分布和为害情况。The identification characters and distribution of the genus and species and information of its ham are introduced in this paper.

绿色和白色作为花园的延伸直穿建筑核心,并与悬铃木的树冠联系在了一起。Green and white extend the garden, which penetrates the heart of the building and form a connection with the crown of plane trees.

PCR特异扩增的分子生物学检测结果也表明外源目的基因反义LEAFY整合入了悬铃木基因组中。The results of molecular biological assays with PCR confirmed that the anti-LEAFY gene was integrated into genome of P. orientalis.

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根据国内外有关文献,对悬铃木属植物的化学成分及其生物活性研究概况进行较深入的综述,并对其药用研究和开发前景作了展望。Summarize the research progress on the chemical constituents and biological activities of Platanus spp. Put forward the prospects of the R & D on the title plants.

在悬铃木的初花期,用化学药剂处理,使得幼果不能正常发育,早期脱落,从而达到控制果毛污染环境的目的。In order to control the pollution oft he plane trees, cones seminal hair to city environment, the chemical agent was used to treat it during the initial stage of the blossom.

运用主成分分析法,建立了行道树评价数学模型,并对郑州市84种行道树进行综合分析排序,选出了悬铃木、垂柳、白蜡等最适宜的行道树树种。Mathematical model for the assessment of street trees in Zhengzhou was established by using principal component analysis. 84 local tree species were comprehensively assessed by the model.