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制定新法律的权利被赋予人民代表。The right to make new laws is vested in the representatives of the people.

此为人民代表之一部分职责,早已在一九四一年履行。That part of the duty of the people's representatives was discharged in 1941.

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在县、乡和不设区的市实行普选人民代表。People's deputies are popularly elected in counties, townships and cities with no sub-districts.

诸多理由,却没有一句提到呈交人民代表,呈交美利坚合众国的国会决定。But not a wordabout coming to the representatives of the people in the United States Congressto make this decision.

人民政府的一切重要工作都应交人民代表会议讨论,并作出决定。All matters of importance to the people's governments should be submitted to these conferences for discussion and decision.

有了县和县以下的各级人民代表会议,县以上的各级人民代表会议就容易建立起来了。When people's representative conferences are established up to the county level, it will be easy to set them up at higher levels.

摆在3000多人民代表面前的是,中国十二五规划的经济蓝图,规划的目标是缩小贫富差距。Before the 3,000 delegates is China's 12th five-year plan, an economic blueprint that aims to spread the wealth a little more evenly.

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人民代表大会党已经成为南非中产阶级的选择,而这些人群以往通常是将票投给国大党或是民主联盟的。Cope has become an alternative for the country's middle class, which traditionally voted for either the ANC or the Democratic Alliance.

我们在县、乡和不设区的市实行的是普选人民代表。We also introduced suffrage for the election of people's deputies at the level of townships, counties and urban cities without districts.

我们已经在县和不设区的市实行人民代表的直接选举,在村一级实行村民自治制度,在市以上以至中央,我们还实行的是间接选举。People’s deputies are now directly elected at the county level and in cities without sub-districts. Self-administration is practiced in villages.

必须认真地开好足以团结各界人民共同进行工作的各界人民代表会议。We must endeavour to make a success of the conferences of people from all circles so that people from every walk of life can unite in a common effort.

召开地方各界人民代表会议是新中国成立初期的重大政权建设。Holding the local peoples representative conference at all levels is a great practice to build power at the initial stage of the founding of New China.

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我们已经在县和不设区的市实行人民代表的直接选举,在村一级实行村民自治制度,在市以上以至中央,我们还实行的是间接选举。People’s deputies are now directly elected at the county level and in cities without districts. The villagers can now exercise self-administration in villages.

只有人民代表机关具有代表性,整个政权体系才具有民主根基。Only with the representative nature, the people's representative organ may guarantee its democratic nature, and the whole regime may have democratic foundation.

从1949年冬至1953年春,内蒙古各地普遍召开了各界人民代表会议,并取得了巨大成就。All levels of people's representative conference were held throughout Inner Mongolia region from the winter in 1949 to the spring in 1953 with prominent achievement.

1949年4月,石家庄市以阶级分析为基础,采用民主程序,直接选举产生了该市第一次人民代表会议的代表。In April 1949, based on class analysis and adopting a democratic agenda, the city directly elected representatives to the city's first "People's Representative Conference".

任何当局未经人民代表同意而中止法律或执行法律,其与此有关的所有权力都有损于人民的权利,均不得行使。That all power of suspending laws, or the execution of laws, by any authority without consent of the representatives of the people, is injurious to their rights, and ought not to be exercised.