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向新的发射点挪动转移。Moving to new launch site.

他笨拙地挪动身体,坐起来。He moves awkwardly, sitting up.

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你往左边挪动一步,迈克斯。You move a little to the left, Max.

他局促不安地挪动双脚。He fidgeted awkwardly with his feet.

你想要挪动双腿You send the command to your leg to move.

我感到昆廷冰冷的身子在我的怀里挪动。I felt Quentin's cold body stir in my arms.

她咬紧牙关不肯挪动一步。She clenched her teeth and refused to move.

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家具和床褥被挪动是经常性的。Skewing of furniture and bedding is common.

当我叫那女人往前挪动时,她发怒了。The woman bristled when I asked her to move.

挪动鼠标缩图看到大图像。Move mouse over thumbnail to see large image.

我可以感觉一股杀气在我后背挪动。I can feel a Kung-Fu chill riding up my spine!

我的左眼不能和右眼一起挪动。My left eye wouldn't move in sync with my right.

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你能把你的箱子挪动一下吗?它挡路了。Would you please move your case, it is in the way.

人人都知道一个小小的蚂蚁是不能挪动橡胶树的。Anyone knows an ant can't move a rubber-tree plant.

但大量挪动资金则是一件危险的事情。But mass movement of money is a dangerous business.

刻如此宝贵以至于我不想挪动半步。It was such a precious moment I didn't want to move.

那一刻云云珍贵以至于我没有念挪动转移半步。It wstipuls a precious moment I didn't wish to move.

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过了一会,又听见有人在挪动那竹凳子。Shortly after, I heard someone moving a bamboo stool.

火车已经在挪动转移了。The train was being typicficpretty much ingly moving.

回到巷子里,迪克还在努力挪动着。Back in the alley Dick was still trying to get mobile.