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山川之秀,何处雄奇?Mountains and rivers of the show, where Xiongqi?

日记模山范水,优美雄奇,形式自由,为后世创立一个新的体裁。And his diary became a new type of literature for the later ages.

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黑鱼河峡谷的柱状节理雄奇壮观。The columnar jointing in the Black Fish Gorge displays a most spectacular sight.

他发现了夜山的“雄奇、黑密、幽深、沉静”He discovered that the mountains at night were magnificent, mysterious and quiet.

金花地区层峦迭蟑,山势雄奇,多处悬崖峭壁,沟深谷险。Zhang Jinhua region Cengluan again and again, because of Xiongqi, many cliffs, deep groove risk.

新三峡是容颜不改的雄奇三峡与珠联璧合的数百公里辽阔水面,是三峡湖!The New Three Gorges is still magnificent and strange, it has hundreds of kilometers wide water surface.

无论是拥挤的老城区还是满目雄奇典雅的建筑的鲁瑟斯,到处都透着紧张。It is an intense place, whether in crammed old corners or amid the mighty elegance of Lutyens' buildings.

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雄奇的山川因军旅的涉入,也成为战争美的范畴。The grand mountains and rivers become a category of the war's beauty because of the involvement of the troops.

晋祠、天龙山、崛围咽山等景观雄奇壮丽,各具风采。Jinci, Yongsan-day, the first wave Wai pharynx magnificent mountain scenery spectacular, with elegant demeanor.

这就是如何用基本的音符来为我们创造,简单的音乐,但是这种音乐真的很雄奇壮丽So that's how using some of these basic ratios gives us this primordial type of music and it's quite spectacular.

这座雄奇的建筑始建于唐代,至今已有一千多年历史了。This magnificent and peculiar building was originally built in the Tang Dynasty. It is over one thousand years old.

这一时代精神反映在荆楚纹样中,其风格特征是恢宏雄奇的意象和浪漫豪放的激情。The times' spirit reflected in the Jingchu patterns, their style is characterized by the wonderful image and romantic passion.

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最雄奇的道教建筑是坐落在悬崖峭壁上无穷观。For Taoism the most imposing temple is Infinity Temple who was built half way up the steep mountains and has very strange layout.

川北雄奇秀美的自然景观,异彩纷呈的人文景观赋予该区发展旅游业的深厚潜力和广阔前景。North Sichuan with beautifully natural landscape and an age old civilization has good potentiality and prospect to develop the tourism.

由此组成的雄伟“宫殿”、高峻“山峰”、擎天“玉柱”、无边“林海”雄奇瑰丽,耀眼夺目,美不胜收。Thus the composition of the grand "palaces" steep "mountain" Praia "Yu-zhu, " boundless "Lin" magnificent and splendid, dazzling, beautiful.

对于山海关的雄奇险要,历代文人墨客留下了无数直抒胸臆、荡气回肠的优美诗篇。Shanhaiguan advantageous for the magnificent, ancient literati left countless directly express one's mind, soul-stirring and beautiful poems.

傍山依水,古树森森,秀丽的园林和长江浑然一体,景色雄奇瑰丽。Nestling against a wooded hill and overlooking the Yangtse River, it is now a beautiful park that merges harmoniously into the magnificent riverside scenery.

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在生物和大自然的运动留给地球的种种奇迹中,尼亚加拉瀑布最为惊心动魄,最为雄奇壮观。Of all the wonders left on earth and formed through movement of nature and living matters, Niagara Falls are one of the most profoundly affecting and magnificent.

翻卷着时代的风云,美丽的舞台,会有一个清雅脱俗的开幕式,也常有一个雄奇壮伟的谢幕礼。Rolling with the wind and cloud of the time, the pretty stage would have an elegant and refined opening, and often, a magnificent and grand answer to a curtain call.

南京,这座有着深厚的文化底蕴和雄奇自然景观的古城,让人们仿佛徘徊在历史和现代之间,所到之处,落叶和白云轻盈地飘过头顶。Nanjing, this city so rich in culture and nature that one will find themselves alternating between ancient and modern with every step with a canopy of cooling foliage overhead.