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上好可销品质。Good merchantable quality,.

即上好可销品质这样的术语。Q or Good Merchantable Quality.

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我们得到命令,天一亮就要上好马鞍准备出发。We got the order to saddle up just after dawn.

为谁上好今夜的晚妆?Tonight whom did I prink the late dressing for?

“我们知道,我们种植的咖啡可以卖上好价钱”。We know we can get a good price growing coffee.

请把那3元钱记在我的帐上好了。Just score up the three yuan against me, please.

风景上好,安谧,清新,又祥和。The landscape is good, quiet, clean, and peaceful.

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你先在派对上好好玩,我马上到。Make yourself at the party. I'll be right with you.

手表停了依然是只手表,还可以重上好发条。A run-down watch is still a watch and can be rewound.

杉木和樟木是造龙舟的上好木料。Fir and dragon boat made of camphor wood is good wood.

早上好.史密斯先生.我是孙芳.来面试的.Good moring, Mr. Smith. I am Sunfang coming for an interview.

马丁上好闹钟,坐到桌边,打开了费斯克。Martin set his alarm, drew up to the table, and opened Fiske.

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不守法的人称不上好公民。No one who ignores the law can call themselves a good citizen.

声乐教学中的语言美是上好每一节声乐课的重要因素。Beautiful language is an important factor in each music lessons.

早上好,大夫,我感到胸部有点痛而且咳嗽得很厉害Good morning, doctor. I feel a pain in my chest and I cough badly.

耶稣死于痛苦的罗马刑具上好让我们可以得到生命。Jesus died on a very painful Roman death machine to bring us life.

随后这位罗密欧又补充道,“希望这能让珍妮乐上好一阵子吧。”Then Romeo adds, "Hopefully, this will satisfy Jennie for a while.

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最后,把水沥干,拌以黄油或是上好白沙司即可享用。Drain well and serve with melted butter or with a good white sauce.

味道浓烈的上好调味品和香甜的干果形成有趣的对比。A good sharp dressing counterpointed the sweetness of the dried fruit.

把乔治亚洲的上好松木运到亚特兰大来,作为这周围的建筑用材?。With all the good Georgia pine around Atlanta and all this building going on?