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一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。An absolute ruler can do just as he please.

跳,踢,拍,打,为所欲为。Jump, kick, shoot, punch, do whatever you want.

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哈姆达尼说,“遗址巨大无比,你可以为所欲为。”The site is huge. You can do whatever you want.

你以为每个人都能那么轻易地为所欲为吗?Do you think everybody gets their way so easily?

但你不能为所欲为It's not something you can do just whatever you want.

这老师太软弱了,孩子们因此可以为所欲为。The teacher's so weak that the children do what they like.

现在你不能为所欲为了,你知道结婚要承担义务的。You are in the collar now. You know marriage has its obligation.

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谁都管不了,谁都没本事,当然调皮生就为所欲为了。Unruly, who did not skill, of course, naughty gifted manipulation.

你凭什么以为自己能大摇大摆地走进去为所欲为呢?What makes you think you can just walk in there and fnd what we need?

你们不能怙恃权势就为所欲为,小心遭报应。You can't do as you want relying on power, or you may invite a nemesis.

或是他们真的就保持一种不良的状态,在那个地区为所欲为吗?Or do they really have a dysfunctional state and have the run of the place?

以后要兴起一位英勇的君王,他独掌大权,统治一切,为所欲为。A powerful king will rise and reign over a vast empire and do as he pleases.

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他自己制定法律,他的法律的就是他可以为所欲为。He made himself the law, and his law was that he could do anything he wanted.

他说,约会地点,不像大多数人认为的那样,是骗子们为所欲为的地方。He says dating sites may not be the liars' free-for-all most of us think they are.

他很有魅力而且讨人喜欢,这常让他能够为所欲为。His charm and the fact that he is so likeable often allows him to get away with murder.

换个说法就是,男人让女人为所欲为来讨取她的欢心。Said differently, guys try to get women to like them by doing whatever the woman wants.

戈尔曼说“搜集到这些个人信息的公司可以将其为所欲为”。The companies that collect that information can basically do anything they want with it.

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有时候我真希望世界都围着我转,那样我就可以为所欲为.Sometimes I wished that the whole world revolved around me, so I could do whatever I wanted.

我从来没有看见过哪一个人,象达西先生这样喜欢当权作主,为所欲为。I do not know any body who seems more to enjoy the power of doing what he likes than Mr. Darcy.

以爱待人并不意味着让他人为所欲为。January 10 Treating others with love does not necessarily mean allowing others to do as they wish.