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我的大衣被钉子钩住了。My coat caught on the nail.

她的大衣被钉子钩住了。Her coat caught on the nail.

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上衣被束紧在腰间。The coat is belted at the waist.

哇,上衣被车门夹住了。Shoot! My coat is caught in the door.

他的冬衣被虫蛀得一塌糊涂。His winter suit has been badly wormed.

我的雨衣被铁钩勾住了。My raincoat was caught up on the hook.

我的上衣被一枚从墙上突出来的钉子钩破了。I tore my coat on a nail that was sticking out from a wall.

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衣被都开始氤氲着潮湿气味,恍然间如置身南国。Clothes and quilt are permeated with damp senses, like being in the south.

织女见自己的仙衣被一个小伙子抢走,又羞又急,却又无可奈何。Weaver see his immortal by a guy robbed, shame and anxious, but feel helpless.

衣被不宜过厚过多,太热会使皮疹发痒。Too many clothes are not advisable because high body heat will cause itchy skin.

产品可用于高性能的卫生洁具、浴室部件以及海上用品的胶衣被复。Gel coat resin can be applied to high performance sanitary ware, bathroom component and marine topcoat.

它是一种前开门的具有多种用途的家具,可供贮存书籍,衣被和食品等物。It is a front door with multi-purpose furniture for storage of books, clothing and food and other items.

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就在那一刻,一个年轻人骑着自行车出现在加里波第大街,外衣被大风吹起拍打着后背。At that instant, a young man turned up Garibaldi on a bicycle, his overcaot whipping behind him like a cape.

当事人回忆说,事情发生在商厦六楼的皮草城,不到三个小时,63件貂皮大衣被厂家、商家和店员哄抢一空。Witnesses said 63 fur and leather coats were snatched by franchisers and sales within three on the sixth floor of the mall.

明代“松江棉布,衣被天下”,只是市场有效需求不足的结果。The so-called "Songjiang cotton fabric covering all the world" was just the result of insufficient effective demands in the market.

而且衣被也要适当,过厚、过暖的服装都容易出汗,出现毛孔扩张。Also, the clothes and quilt should be suitable. Excessive thick and warm clothes are easy for them to sweat, this will appear pore expanding.

天成纺织地处日出万匹,衣被天下的丝绸纺织之乡苏州盛泽,具有20年的纺织品从业经验。Tiancheng Textile 10000 is located in Sunrise, the world's silk clothing textile town of Xuzhou Shengze, with 20 years of textile experience.

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在经多聚赖氨酸衣被的表面临界脱离剪应力提高,细胞铺展生长。It showed that the critical shear stress for cell detachment was relatively low on PHB, thus cells tend to aggregate and detach from surfaces.

室内屋外,都要进行彻底打扫,衣被用具,也要洗刷一新,干干净净迎新春。People on this day not only clean their house inside and outside, but also wash their clothes, quilts and household utensils to welcome the new year.

宝宝也许还有许多不良的睡态,如撩衣被、光着睡、夜惊、睡不安稳等等。Darling still perhaps has a lot of sleep undesirably voice, the garment that be like hold up by, smooth move sleeps, nocturnal Jing, sleep uneasiness is firm etc.