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人体自燃是指由人体内部自发燃烧。SHC is burning from the inside out.

硅烷是无色的,可以自燃的压缩气体。Silane is a colorless, pyrophoric compressed gas.

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热量的积聚在煤自燃过程中起着关键的作用。The heat accumulation plays key role in coal self-ignition.

干草堆放久了就会自燃。A stack of hay will self-ignite if it stays for a long time.

高辛烷值汽油是一类不容易自燃的燃料。Higher-octane gasolines prevent this sort of early combustion.

对发射药热自燃现象进行了数值模拟研究。The selfignition hazard in ammunition is simulated numerically.

这一结果与所谓的“人体自燃”完全相同。This finding is consistent with “human spontaneous combustion”.

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煤矿自燃矸石山是矿区一大污染源。Burning waste heap is one of the major air pollution sources in.

热量积聚在硫化铁自燃进程中起着关键性的作用。Heat gathering was the key factors for iron sulfide self-ignite.

煤炭自燃是义马煤田主要灾害之一。Coal spontaneous combustion is one of disaster in Yima coalfield.

煤炭自燃火灾严重影响煤炭的安全生产和储藏。Such coal autoignition is a big hidden trouble to the coal storage.

井下煤层自燃严重危害着安全生产。The spontaneous combustion of coal seam endangers the safe production.

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总计而言在2000年之中,共有160个法老在金字塔中自燃。All told, 160 pharaohs combust in the pyramids over a 2000-year period.

剧毒气体,高纯度气体,稀有气体和自燃气体。Highly Toxic Gases, High-Purity Gases, Rare Gases and Pyrophoric Gases.

不要等待自燃,或别人为你提供火种。Don’t wait for spontaneous combustion or for someone to set light to you.

由于可以自燃,大多数泄露一接触到空气立刻就会点燃。Being pyrophoric , most leaks will immediately ignite on contact with air.

自燃使得地下室渍油的破布堆燃烧起来了。Spontaneous combustion ignited the heap of oil-soaked rags in the basement.

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自燃通常会,但并不总是引起爆震。The experimental results show that knock is caused by end gas autoignition.

煤矿自燃矸石山是矿区一大污染源。Burning waste heap is one of the major air pollution sources in. coalmine areas.

当管体破裂,空气涌进,导致磷的自燃。When the tube was broken, air rushed in, causing the phosphorus to self-combust.