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偏那薛蟠本是浮萍心性,今日爱东,明日爱西。But Xue Pan was as fickle as water-weed which drifts EAST today, west tomorrow.

浮萍种群增长能力极强,主要通过生物量的增长实现对氮磷营养的吸收去除。Duckweed population grows rapidly and removes the nutrients mainly by biomass increasing.

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可不懂处世之道的我们该怎样学着浮萍般在大海中安身立命。Can not understand our life skills like learning the duckweed-like settle down in the sea.

在这绿色沼泽的世界里,水中的浮萍像银河系一般在缓缓流动的水中转动着。In the green firmament of a slough, galaxies of duckweed are stirred by slow moving waters.

异恶草酮对浮萍体内色素的影响作用呈良好的“浓度、时间—效应”关系。The influence of Clomazone to the pigment in Lemna minor L accords with the dosage-effect connection.

但是可以确定的是,我渐渐地爱上了这种浮萍式的生活状态。But can be certain BE, I am in love with this kind of living appearance that floats the type gradually.

水中的浮萍无根草,有一个拼命挣扎的心。去寻找属于自己的那片天地。The duckweed in the water without a blade of grass, a struggling heart. To find belongs to own that piece of heaven and earth.

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云已风吹散尽,而记忆早已如浮萍深深跌落于那大海深处。Wind clouds had been dissipated, and the memories of long ago, such as duckweed and that the sea in the depths of a deep fall.

正当雪鹭对刚刚夺取的捕鱼领地沾沾自喜时,潜伏在浮萍下面从后面出其不意地发起了攻击。The alligator had been lurking beneath the duckweed and while the snowy egret was still enjoying his newly won fishing location, it reared up.

一种社会制度设计即使再高妙,如果掘弃了民族文化之根脉,必将如浮萍般飘来荡去无处可依。Design of a social system, even if ingenious, if abandoned dug roots of the culture, such as duckweed will be floated as plaster can go nowhere.

提出了利用浮萍科植物治理受污染水体的前景,同时预测了该领域的应用和研究方向。The authors proposed the prospects of duckweed in water pollution treatment and forecasted the directions of applications and researches in the field.

像浮萍一样的植物漂浮在静止和缓慢流动水面上,而那些有根而且茎干柔软的植物能在快速流动的溪流中站立。Plants like duckweeds float on the surface of still and slow-moving waters, while those with roots and flexible stems can stand in swift -flowing streams.

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如果浮萍覆盖了池塘的表面,就会耗尽氧气,杀死鱼类,使沉水植物因得到不生长所需的光照而死去。浮萍是水生的无茎有花植物。If the Duckweed covers the surface of a pond, it will deplete the oxygen, killing fish and the submerged plants who will not receive the sunlight for their growth.

通过模拟分析浮萍塘中氮的循环迁移过程,考察了N主要迁移途径对各形态氮的去除贡献,并确定了水环境季节变化对氮循环过程影响。Based on the simulated results from N cycling and transformation model of duckweed pond, the influences of different major transfer pathways on various nitrogen removal performances are investigated.